How do I read my PG&E gas meter?
How do I read my PG&E gas meter?
PG&E gas meters have either 4 or 5 dials on them. Each dial moves in opposite directions. To read a meter, stand in front of the meter and reach each dial from RIGHT to LEFT. If the dial is in-between 2 numbers, but is not yet directly ON the higher number, it is read as the lower number.
Does PG&E still have meter readers?
PG&E meter readers make every effort to read your meters monthly. You may want to know when we’re coming so that you can plan accordingly. Locate the Service Information section on the right side of your PG&E monthly statement, and find your corresponding serial letter in first or last column on the table.
How often does PG&E read meters?
Electric meters record home usage hourly and commercial usage in every 15 minutes. The natural gas modules attached to gas meters record gas use daily.
What do the numbers on my electric meter mean?
You will notice a series of round dials on the meter face. Each dial has ten numbers (0 – 9) and a pointer like a clock hand. The pointers advance when electricity flows through the meter, so the dials indicate the total number of kilowatt-hours (KWH) you have used.
How often do meter readers come out?
Frequency. For monthly billing purposes, meter readers come to your meter on or about the same day every month to record its current reading using a hand-held computer. They calculate your monthly usage by subtracting your previous month’s reading from the current one.
How does PG&E read smart meters?
Each SmartMeter™ electric meter is equipped with a network radio. The radio transmits your hourly meter readings, periodically, to an electric network access point. This data is then transmitted to PG&E through a dedicated radio frequency network.
How does the gas company read my meter?
A gas dial meter has 4 or more dials. Each one turns to point to a number between 0 and 9. Each dial on your meter will turn in the opposite direction to the ones next to it. If the pointer is between two numbers, write down the lower number – if it’s between 9 and 0, write down 9.
Which numbers do I read on a gas meter?
Read the dials from left to right. If the pointer is between the two numbers, always take the lower number. If the pointer is directly over a number, write down that one. If the pointer falls between 9 and 0, write down 9 and reduce the reading you’ve already taken for the dial on it’s left by one.
How do you calculate meter reading?
Energy charge: Suppose current month unit is 300 unit and previous month unit is 500 unit. That is total= 605+685= 1290 (It is the unit charge of 200 unit for 30 days).
How do I read my electric meter kWh?
If your meter has an orange button and a blue button: *If your meter has two buttons marked Reconnect and Display Select: Press the “Display” or “Display Select” button. Keep pressing until it scrolls through a number followed by kWh, this is your reading.