How do I round to the nearest 100?

How do I round to the nearest 100?

When rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the TENS DIGIT of the number.

  1. If that digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you will round down to the previous hundred.
  2. If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you will round up to the next hundred.

What is 761 to the nearest hundred?

324 290 567 423 750 749 29 230 439 Round the Number to the Nearest Hundred Write “round up” or “round down.” Heather says that 761 rounds up to 800. Tim says 761 rounds down to 700.

What is 1654 to the nearest hundred?

For example, 1,654 to the nearest thousand is 2,000. To the nearest 100 it is 1,700.

What is 782 to the nearest hundred?

782 rounded to the nearest Hundred is 800.

What is the round off of 30?

30, because 33 is closer to 30. To the nearest ten, 33 rounds to 30. You can determine where to round without using a number line by looking at the digit to the right of the one you’re rounding to. If that digit is less than 5, round down.

What is rounded to the nearest thousands the number 85642?


What is 4358 to the nearest thousand?

The nearest thousand to 4358 is 4000.

What is 246 to the nearest 100?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, you make it into the hundred that is closest. Take the number 246, for example, which is between 200 and 300. It is closer to 200. So 246 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200.

What does 63 round to?

The number 63 rounded to the nearest ten is 60.

What is 37 to the nearest 100?

37 rounded to the nearest 100 is zero.

What is rounded to the nearest thousands the number 95642?

The correct option is (D) 86000.

What is 34519 rounded to the nearest thousands?

34519 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 34500, but they are asking to round it to nearest thousands. And as 519 when rounded to the nearest thousands = 1000, Therefore, the answer is B (i.e.) 34519 rounded to the nearest thousands = 35000.

What is 949 rounded to the nearest hundred?

First, 949 rounded to the nearest hundred is: 900. When rounding to the nearest hundred, like we did with 949 above, we use the following rules: A) We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above.

How do you round numbers to the nearest hundred?

Rounding Numbers. Say you wanted to round the number 838.274. Depending on which place value you’ll round to, the final result will vary. Rounding 838.274: Rounding to the nearest hundred is 800. Rounding to the nearest ten is 840. Rounding to the nearest one is 838.

Is 486 rounded to the nearest hundred?

Hence, 486 is nearer to 500 than 400. So, 500 is the rounded number that you will get. One last thing that you need to keep in mind is that when you are rounding numbers to the nearest hundred, you will get at least two zeros at the end of the new rounded number.

What is the rule for rounding to the nearest zeros?

Ans. 18.39. B) To round to nearest one, ten, hundred, thousand and so on: if the rounding digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, change all digits to the right of it to zeroes. if the rounding digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, add one to the rounding digit and change all digits to the right of it to zeroes. Example 3.


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