How do you Autoplay a YouTube video on Facebook?

How do you Autoplay a YouTube video on Facebook?

Click “Share” to view the video”s sharing options. A list of social media logos are displayed next to the video”s page link. Click the “Facebook” logo to embed the video on your Facebook wall. You are prompted to sign in to your account and confirm your choice.

Can I upload same video on YouTube and Facebook?

You can easily post a YouTube video on Facebook by using YouTube’s “Share” feature. You can use YouTube’s feature to post a video on either a desktop computer or mobile device.

Why can’t I share YouTube videos on Facebook anymore?

Simply put, Facebook wants people to stay on their platform as much as possible because that’s how they make money. You can still share your YouTube video to Facebook, but Facebook won’t share it out to a ton of people because it forces people to leave their platform.

How do you add a YouTube video to a reply on Facebook?

How to Upload a Video on Facebook

  1. Go the URL of the video or song you would like to upload.
  2. Now copy this particular URL from the website and go the “write a comment”.
  3. You can directly paste this link into the comment box.
  4. Once you are done click on “Post comment”.

How do you autoplay videos on Facebook?

Turn Facebook® Video Autoplay On / Off

  1. From the Home screen on your device, open your Facebook app.
  2. From the Facebook app, navigate to the Autoplay setting: On iOS devices navigate: Menu icon. (lower-right) > Settings. > Media and Contacts. > Video and Photos. > Autoplay. then select the preferred Autoplay option.

Why is autoplay not working on Facebook?

Videos won’t play automatically if: Autoplay is turned off or not supported. Check your device’s settings and make sure autoplay is turn on. Remember that some devices and browsers also may not support autoplay.

Do YouTube views count on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook views count on YouTube. They don’t count, however, if you manually download the video from YouTube and upload it to Facebook.

Can you post a video in comments on Facebook?

Facebook users can now leave videos as comments on posts and status updates. By selecting the camera icon underneath a string of replies — previously used only to add a photo — you’re now able to upload your own video clip on Facebook’s iOS and Android app, as well as on its regular site.

How do I get a YouTube video to automatically play?

To make an embedded video autoplay, add “&autoplay=1” to the video’s embed code right after the video ID (the series of letters that follows “embed/”). Embedded videos that are autoplayed don’t increment video views.

How do I enable autoplay on YouTube?

How to turn on autoplay on YouTube on desktop

  1. Go to and log into your account, if necessary.
  2. Play a video by clicking on it.
  3. In the video player, click the “Settings” button — it’s the gear icon in the bottom toolbar of the player.
  4. Toggle the “Autoplay” switch back on in the Settings pop-up menu.


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