How do you care for Stapelia gigantea?

How do you care for Stapelia gigantea?

Watering: Wait for the soil to dry completely between waterings. Water sparingly at all times and very little during the winter. Wait for the stems to shrivel a bit in wintertime before watering lightly. Soil: As with most succulents, Stapelia plants like light, airy, well-drained soil.

How long does it take Stapelia gigantea to bloom?

Stapelias are quick and easy from seed Viable seeds sprout very quickly, usually within a week, and certainly within two. Precocious seedlings will flower at three years of age, although their siblings might take a year or two longer.

How often do Stapelia gigantea bloom?

Starfish Cactus Bloom Time On average, you can expect a baby plant to bloom in two years with just one or two flowers. When it is mature, the plant will bloom successively in July to September in North America.

How do I get my Stapelia gigantea to bloom?

I pretty much just leave mine alone and water when it dries out or more if I remember. No special treatment and it doesn’t have to be in full sun to bloom. Mine blooms once the weather warms up off those little buds you were describing. Flowers are huge, stinky, and only last a few days.

Why do flies fly into the stapelia flower?

These odors serve to attract various pollinators including blow flies. The flies lay eggs in the center of the Stapelia flower, convinced it is rotting meat that will be a food source for the larvae once they hatch.

How do you root stapelia cuttings?

Stapelia is easily propagated, especially by stem cuttings. Allow cuttings to dry in a cool, shady location for 48 hours and then stick them in a well-drained potting soil mix. Water moderately (preferably from below by placing the container in a tray and then filling the tray with water). Cuttings should root easily.

Why do flies fly into the Stapelia flower?

How do you root Stapelia cuttings?

How long does a stapelia flower last?

How Long Does The Stapelia Bloom Stay? Once your Stapelia bloom opens up, the flower should stay for at least a week. It’ll start getting a little floppy and faded over time, though, so snag that pic around day two or three.

How long does stapelia flower last?

How Long Does The Stapelia Bloom Stay? Once your Stapelia bloom opens up, the flower should stay for at least a week. It’ll start getting a little floppy and faded over time, though, so snag that pic around day two or three. That’s prime flower time.

How long do stapelia flowers last?

Can you grow stapelia from cuttings?

Stapelia is easily propagated, especially by stem cuttings. Allow cuttings to dry in a cool, shady location for 48 hours and then stick them in a well-drained potting soil mix. Water moderately (preferably from below by placing the container in a tray and then filling the tray with water).


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