How do you conjugate aimer in futur simple?

How do you conjugate aimer in futur simple?

Learn and practice french with this conjugation: AIMER Futur simple. The verb “To love – to like ” is conjugated this way in Future Simple tense: Le verbe “Aimer Futur simple” se conjugue de la façon suivante: j’aimerai, tu aimeras, il aimera, elle aimera, nous aimerons, vous aimerez, ils aimeront, elles aimeront.

What are the conjugations of Aimer?

Forms of Aimer

  • J’aime (ehm)
  • Tu aimes (ehm)
  • Il/Elle/ On aime (ehm)
  • Nous aimons (ehmohn)
  • Vous aimez (ehmay)
  • Ils/ Elles aiment (ehm) Note that the je contracts before a vowel to j’.

What is the plural of Aimer?

Nous aimons
For example, in the infinitive (the unconjugated form) the verb aimer is made up of the stem (“aim”) and the ending (“er”)….Negation.

Person French English
2nd Person Singular Tu aimes You love
3rd Person Singular Il/elle/on aime He/she/one loves
1st Person Plural Nous aimons We love

Is aimer avoir or etre?

Aimer is one of the most common French verbs. It is a regular -ER verb, requires avoir in the compound tenses, and can mean “to like” or “to love.” There is a little bit of a trick to using aimer correctly with people and direct object pronouns which you will learn about in this lesson.

How do you conjugate the French verb chanter?

To conjugate chanter as well as other regular -er verbs in the present tense, take the infinitive form of the verb (chanter), and remove the final -er from the verb (chanter becomes chant-)….The Verb Chanter in the Present Tense.

Subject Pronoun Conjugation Pronunciation
Ils/Elles chantent shante

What is aimer in present tense?

Aimer is a French regular er verb meaning to like, to love. Aimer appears on the 100 Most Used French Verbs Poster as the 2nd most used regular er verb….Aimer Conjugation: Present Tense.

j’ aime
il/elle aime
nous aimons
vous aimez
ils/elles aiment

What is the meaning of Parler?

to speak
The service takes its name from the French verb parler, meaning “to speak” (or sometimes, “to talk”) as in the examples “Parlez-vous français?” or “Je veux parler avec ton gérant.” However, the app does not take the French pronunciation of the word—par-lay—and is instead pronounced “parlor,” as in a sitting room where …

What is the meaning of aimer in English?

verb. enjoy [verb] to find pleasure in.

What is the past participle of Aimer?

The Past Participle of the French verb aimer

Past Participle
aimé liked

What is the vous form of Aimer?

aimer: Conjugation

Present Perfect
j’ aime tu aimes il/elle aime nous aimons vous aimez ils/elles aiment Pronounce these verb forms j’ ai aimé tu as aimé il/elle a aimé nous avons aimé vous avez aimé ils/elles ont aimé Pronounce these verb forms
Imperfect Pluperfect

How do you conjugate chanter in French passe compose?

The verb’s conjugation is shown in the present tense, future tense, and passé composé….The Verb Chanter in the Passé Composé

Subject Pronoun and Helping Verb Conjugation Pronunciation
Il/Elle/On a chanté shan-tay
Nous avons chanté shan-tay
Vous avez chanté shan-tay
Ils/Elles ont chanté shan-tay

What is the future tense of chanter in French?

How to Conjugate the French Verb Chanter

Present Future
je chante chanterais
tu chantes chanterais
il chante chanterait
nous chantions chanterions

Quelle est la conjugaison du verbe aimer?

à la 2ème personne du singulier (tu) et au futur simple, la conjugaison du verbe aimer s’écrit “tu aimeras” et prend la terminaison “eras”. il aimera. à la 3ème personne du singulier (il ou elle) et au futur simple, la conjugaison du verbe aimer s’écrit “il aimera” et prend la terminaison “era”. nous aimerons.

Qu’est-ce que j’aimerai?

au futur simple. j’aimerai. à la 1ère personne du singulier (je) et au futur simple, la conjugaison du verbe aimer s’écrit “j’aimerai” et prend la terminaison “erai”. tu aimeras.

Est-ce que tu aimeras?

tu aimeras. à la 2ème personne du singulier (tu) et au futur simple, la conjugaison du verbe aimer s’écrit “tu aimeras” et prend la terminaison “eras”. il aimera.


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