How do you loop a procedure in SQL?

How do you loop a procedure in SQL?


  1. The initial step is executed first, and only once. This step allows you to declare and initialize any loop control variables.
  2. Next, the condition, i.e., initial_value ..
  3. After the body of the for loop executes, the value of the counter variable is increased or decreased.
  4. The condition is now evaluated again.

How do I run a SQL query in a for loop?

Running a Query Inside the Loop

  1. WHILE @Counter <= @MaxOscars.
  2. BEGIN.
  3. SET @NumFilms =
  5. FROM tblFilm.
  6. WHERE FilmOscarWins = @Counter.
  7. SET @Counter += 1.
  8. END.

Can we use for loop in stored procedure in SQL Server?

SQL Server stored procedure for loop SQL Server does not support FOR loop. However, you can use the WHILE loop to perform the same task. In this section, you will learn how you can implement the FOR loop functionality with the WHILE loops with the help of an example.

Can you use loop in SQL?

SQL WHILE loop provides us with the advantage to execute the SQL statement(s) repeatedly until the specified condition result turn out to be false. If any SQL statement exists outside the loop, it will be executed. …

How do I loop a stored procedure in MySQL?

Loops in MySQL

  1. Syntax :
  2. Parameters –
  3. Example-1 : DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS GeekLoop(); DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE GeekLoop() BEGIN DECLARE no INT; SET no = 0; loop: LOOP SET no = no +1; select no ; IF no =5 THEN LEAVE loop; END IF; END LOOP loop; SELECT no; END $$ DELIMITER ;
  4. Output – 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

How do you loop through an array in SQL Server?


  2. GO.
  4. — Declare your array table variable.
  5. DECLARE @MYARRAY table (TEMPCOL nvarchar(50), ARRAYINDEX int identity(1,1) )

How do you write a loop in SQL Server?

DECLARE @cnt INT = 0; WHILE @cnt < 10 BEGIN PRINT ‘Inside FOR LOOP’; SET @cnt = @cnt + 1; END; PRINT ‘Done FOR LOOP’; If you know, you need to complete first iteration of loop anyway, then you can try DO.. WHILE or REPEAT..

How do you end a while loop in SQL?

SQL Server BREAK statement overview To exit the current iteration of a loop, you use the BREAK statement. In this syntax, the BREAK statement exit the WHILE loop immediately once the condition specified in the IF statement is met. All the statements between the BREAK and END keywords are skipped.

Is there for loop in MySQL?

FOR loop syntax example in MySQL: If I catch you pushing this kind of MySQL for-loop constructs into production, I’m going to shoot you with the foam missile launcher. You can use a pipe wrench to bang in a nail, but doing so makes you look silly.

How do you create a stored procedure in SQL?

To create a stored procedure in SQL Server: Click New Query on the SSMS toolbar Type (or paste) a CREATE PROCEDURE statement (example below) Click the Execute button on the toolbar

When to use stored procedure?

One of the most beneficial reasons to use stored procedures is the added layer of security that can be placed on the database from the calling application. If the user account created for the application or web site is configured with EXECUTE permissions only then the underlying tables cannot be accessed directly by the user account.

What are parameters in stored procedures?

Parameters. Output parameters allow the stored procedure to pass a data value or a cursor variable back to the caller. User-defined functions cannot specify output parameters. Every stored procedure returns an integer return code to the caller. If the stored procedure does not explicitly set a value for the return code, the return code is 0.

What is a loop in Oracle?

Term: LOOP. Definition: In Oracle PL/SQL, a LOOP is an iterative (repeating) control structure. Loops repeat a specified number of times based on one or more conditions. Inside the loop, one or more PL/SQL statements are evaluated and processed in the order they appear.


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