How do you play the 100 game?

How do you play the 100 game?

Write the number 100 at the top of a piece of paper. Two players take turns subtracting whole numbers between 1 and 10. The person who subtracts the number down to zero, loses. That’s it!

How do you teach numbers to 120?

Choose students to share the number sequence. Restate, “One hundred one, 102, 103” as you fill in the blank spaces on the chart to 120. Clearly enunciate the number names (do not say one hundred and one). Once you complete the chart, count chorally as a class from 100-120 as you point to the numbers.

What is a 120 chart puzzle?

120 chart number puzzles are a fun way to practice and understand patterns on a number chart. Copy the puzzle cards onto colored paper and laminate them. Students use a dry erase marker to fill in the missing numbers. Let them use a number chart if they need it, but try to get them to the point wher. Math, Numbers.

How can I teach 100?

Learning to count to 100

  1. First gather 100 items that are easily accessible at your home that your child could count (Q-tips, beans, Cheerios, etc.)
  2. Group the items into a number that your child can easily count to.
  3. Teach your child to count by 10’s by grouping the items into ten groups of ten.

How do you use hundred chart activities in the classroom?

Another way to engage your students with hundred chart activities is through my 120 Chart Math Talk Routine. This 45 day number sense routine engages your class in meaningful math discussions and builds number relationships through 120. Each day, project the one math talk lesson onto your interactive whiteboard.

What are the benefits of a 120 chart?

A 120 chart is a perfect way to address this. By seeing the sequence of numbers on a 120 chart, a student has the opportunity to develop a mental framework for numbers that follow 100 and to start getting the sense that those place value concepts used to count ones and tens just carry over into hundreds as well.

How can I help my child count hundreds?

Post a large hundreds chart and hide the various numbers around the room (sticky notes are perfect for this). Kids find the numbers and fill in the chart. Make this activity a little harder by leaving the chart blank so kids have to find the right places for the numbers instead of just matching. 8. Practice skip counting

What number follows one hundred?

If you ask a first grade or second grade student what number follows one hundred, you’ll occaisonally be surprised at the answer… I’ve gotten 110, 102, 200, and other values that would leave you exasperated. A 120 chart is a perfect way to address this.


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