How do you treat an infected hangnail on your big toe?

How do you treat an infected hangnail on your big toe?

How to treat an infected hangnail

  1. Soak the infected area in warm water once or twice a day for 20 minutes.
  2. After your initial soak, cut the hangnail off.
  3. Rub vitamin E oil or cream on the affected area to prevent another hangnail.
  4. Use a topical antibiotic cream on the infected hangnail for a few days.

Can you get an infection from pulling a hangnail?

If you pull on it, you may pull off additional skin that will open more inner skin layers to bacteria. This can also aggravate the hangnail area, which can cause it to become red and slightly inflamed. To prevent infection and irritation, wash your hands before touching the hangnail.

Will a hangnail go away on its own?

Hangnails are common, especially if your hands are dry because of the weather or from frequent exposure to water. Most hangnails will heal on their own without any signs of infection.

What can I put on an infected toe?

How Is a Toe Infection Treated?

  1. Soak the toe for about 15 minutes in a bathtub or bucket filled with warm water and salt. Do this three to four times a day.
  2. Rub a medicated ointment on the toe and wrap it in a clean bandage.
  3. To treat an ingrown toenail, gently lift the corner of the nail.

What helps a hangnail stop hurting?

Soften the hangnail with warm, soapy water. You can also apply mineral oil or petroleum jelly very gently to the area in a circular motion. Give the hangnail around 10 minutes to soften. Use a sanitized nail clipper or cuticle scissor to cut off the hangnail.

Does Neosporin help infected ingrown toenail?

Most ingrown toenails can be treated by soaking the foot in warm, soapy water and applying a topical antibiotic ointment, such as polymyxin/neomycin (one brand: Neosporin). Your doctor can also put cotton wisps, dental floss, or splints under the edge of the ingrown toenail between the toenail and the skin.


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