How does Pokemon Platinum start?

How does Pokemon Platinum start?

Like previous third versions, the region and starting area remain the same as in previously released paired versions; in Platinum, the player begins their journey from Twinleaf Town and travels across all of Sinnoh.

What is special about Pokemon Platinum?

The most obvious difference between Platinum and Diamond/Pearl is the look of the game. You can see that the weather, in general, is colder throughout the game. There are patches of snow are found all the way to Twinleaf Town. There is still some warmer areas, such as where the Battle Zone used to be in Diamond/Pearl.

Can you catch the starter pokemon in Platinum?

In short, no. However in many games you can get one of the starter pokemon and migrate/trade for others. – choose one as starter in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.

Is Pokemon Platinum a real game?

The Pokémon games available on DS are Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2, and White 2. These games, especially the generation 4 games, are arguably the most-faked Pokémon games on the market.

Why is Pokemon Platinum so rare?

It’s not being sold at MSRP. It is being sold on a resale market according to supply and demand. Only people who want to part with it constitute the supply, and when there are more people who want to buy it than sell it, the price goes up.

What is the hardest Pokemon game?

The absolute hardest Pokemon game has to be Pokemon Platinum, and it earns this title with all the polish that the original Sinnoh games sorely lacked.

Can you get Giratina in Pokemon Diamond?

To get Giratina on both Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, players need to defeat the Elite Four and complete their Pokédex, which will allow them to receive the National Pokédex after meeting with Professor Rowan. Once you enter the cave, make your way towards its center where you will find Giratina.

Can you find starters in the wild?

Unfortunately, you can only get one starter Pokémon natively in Pokémon Sword or Shield, and that’s the starter Pokémon you choose at the beginning when Leon offers them to you. The other two cannot be caught in the wild, found in Max Raids, accepted as gift Pokémon, or obtained in a normal playthrough.

Why is Pokemon Emerald more expensive?

2 Pokemon Emerald ($4523) This version’s higher value could be attributed to the fact that players were able to catch both legendary Pokemon Groudon and Kyogre as well as Rayquaza, with that not being possible in this generation’s initial entries.

Why is Pokemon so expensive?

And the graphics are just a notch better than Game Boy graphics. So the real reason Pokémon games are so expensive is the same as any other collectible. They’re worth what YOU are willing to pay for them. Fans keep paying.

Is there a Pokemon Platinum version?

Pokémon Platinum Version (Japanese: ポケットモンスター プラチナ Pocket Monsters Platinum) is a solitary version to Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, and the third Generation IV core series title. The game was first seen on May 11, 2008 when a low-resolution cell-phone picture of an upcoming issue of CoroCoro magazine was leaked around the internet.

What level is Barry’s starter Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

Most opponents’ Pokémon’s levels have been increased by at least one. An example of this is that in Diamond and Pearl, Barry ‘s starter Pokémon in the battle at Pastoria City is at level 28. In Platinum, it is at level 36. However, the Pokémon used by opponents in the Pokémon League had their levels lowered.

Is there a boxart of Pocket Monsters Platinum?

Boxart of Pocket Monsters Platinum. Pokémon Platinum Version (Japanese: ポケットモンスター プラチナ Pocket Monsters Platinum) is a solitary version to Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, and the third Generation IV core series title.

Where can I find unevolved Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

In locations where certain unevolved Pokémon can be found (like Numel on Route 227 and Stark Mountain), they are near the levels of the rest of the Pokémon in the area, whereas in Diamond and Pearl they were usually in the high 10s or low 20s.


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