How Irish names are pronounced?

How Irish names are pronounced?

Names for Boys Eoin is pronounced O-in. Oisin (Oisín) is pronounced UH-sheen or O-sheen. Seamus (Séamus) is pronounced SHAY-mus. Sean (Seán) is pronounced SHAWN.

How do you pronounce Tadhg in Irish?

Tadhg – pronounced Tige, like Tiger but without the ‘r’. Cillian – pronounced KIL-ee-an.

What does Gravidity mean?

Gravidity is defined as the number of times that a woman has been pregnant. Parity is defined as the number of times that she has given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, regardless of whether the child was born alive or was stillborn.

Is Gravidity a word?

The condition of carrying a developing fetus within the uterus: gestation, gravidness, parturiency, pregnancy.

What is the pronunciation of my name?

Pronounce Names

Pronunciation: mEE “me”
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Type of Name: First Name
Gender: Female
Origin: Vietnamese

How do you pronounce Caoilfhionn?


  1. My legal name was based on this name, but my parents spelled it Caelinn.
  2. Pronunciation:
  3. My name is Caoilfhionn and even though it is hard to pronounce everyone seems to love it.
  4. In Irish, Caoilfhionn is pronounced “Qweelonn”, approximately.

What is another name for ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s uterus, somewhere else in their belly. It can cause life-threatening bleeding and needs medical care right away. In more than 90% of cases, the egg implants in a fallopian tube. This is called a tubal pregnancy.

What is the meaning of the word gravid?

adj. Carrying developing young or eggs: a gravid uterus; a gravid female. [Latin gravidus, from gravis, heavy; see g w erə- in Indo-European roots .] gra·vid′i·ty (grə-vĭd′ĭ-tē), grav′id·ness n.

What is “Gravidity” of pregnancy?

Gravidity was defined as total number of recalled pregnancies regardless of the outcome. Also, the medical staff should pay more attention for selecting the cases based on the age, gravidity, breast feeding and soon.

What is another word for pregnancy?

gravidity Obstetrics The state of being, or having been, pregnant.

What is a good sentence for gravid?

Examples of gravid in a Sentence. the patient is a gravid woman in her seventh month. Recent Examples on the Web. Heritage Restaurant & Caviar Bar opened in early August, the week of the Sturgeon Moon, which is when the Algonquins believed the Great Lakes teemed with gravid fish.


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