How many km Varkala to Trivandrum?
How many km Varkala to Trivandrum?
Distance Between Varkala to Thiruvananthapuram
Distance between Varkala to Thiruvananthapuram by Road is | 46 Kms |
Distance between Varkala to Thiruvananthapuram by Flight is | 34 Kms |
Travel Time from Varkala to Thiruvananthapuram by Road is | 1:19 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Varkala | Trivandrum International Airport (8.74, 76.72) |
How far is Varkala from airport?
The nearest International Airport from Varkala is Trivandrum International Airport, Thiruvananthapuram, roughly one hour drive from Varkala.
Is Varkala rural or urban?
Varkala is in Thiruvananthapuram District. Urban civic administration is overseen by the Varkala municipality or municipal council, while the rural civic administration is under the charge of the 7 panchayats of Edava, Elakamon, Vettoor, Madavoor, Navaikulam, Pallickal, and Chemmaruthy in Varkala Taluk.
How do I get from Varkala to Kovalam?
There is no direct connection from Varkala to Kovalam. However, you can take the train to Thiruvananthapuram Central then take the taxi to Kovalam. Alternatively, you can take the taxi to Kovalam.
Is Ola available in Varkala?
14 answers. Yes you can take ola rental which will take you to Varkala and come back, best would be you can hire any other taxi but if you need branded you can try Ola with no hassles.
How can I go to Varkala by flight?
How to reach Varkala by flight. There is no direct flight connectivity to Varkala. The nearest airport is in Thiruvananthapuram, around 40 km away from the same. Taxis are easily available from the airport to Varkala.
Is Varkala Beach Open now?
“At present, police are not deployed at Varkala as the beach is not open for tourists due to the pandemic. However, a few tourists are staying at resorts and homestays. The tourism hub has already taken a hit due to the pandemic.
How long is Varkala Cliff?
Amongst all these beaches, the Varkala beach stands out the most as it is the only beach in Kerala with a majestic cliff overlooking it. This 80 feet high red laterite cliff is unique as it is a veritable blueprint of geological changes from during the mio-pliocene age (1.3 to 25 million years ago).
Is Varkala worth visiting?
Varkala and Kovalam are worth visiting. definitely recommended.
Why is Kovalam famous?
Kovalam is famous for its beaches, among the most pristine in India. Kovalam is extremely popular among westerners due to shallow waters and low tidal waves. It is also one of the oldest tourist enclave in India, which known among tourist circuit right in 1930s.
Is Uber Available in Trivandrum now?
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Uber has resumed its airport transportation service in Thiruvananthapuram after domestic air travel became near normal. People can now choose airport pick up and drop in the city.
Is Ola and Uber Available in Trivandrum?
Ola is available in trivandrum. if you are searching economical option then can adopt train route otherwise Uber/ola available and private taxi also.