How much do Special Constables get paid UK?

How much do Special Constables get paid UK?

How much does a Special Constable make? The national average salary for a Special Constable is £32,313 in United Kingdom.

How much does a Di earn UK?

Experienced staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland earn between £43,965 and £46,277 as a sergeant, £52,698 and £57,162 as an inspector, £58,332 and £60,732 as a chief inspector, £70,173 to £82,881 as a superintendent and £86,970 to £91,749 as a chief superintendent.

Do Special Constables get paid UK?

Are Special Constables entitled to receive expenses? Special Constables are volunteers and are not paid for performing the role. However, specials are provided with uniforms free of charge and are entitled to be reimbursed for any reasonable expenses.

How long does it take to become a special constable UK?

Initial learning for the Special Constabulary (IL4SC) is a national programme designed to take Special Constables to the point of safe and lawful accompanied patrol. It includes personal safety and first aid training. This will usually take around 20 days or 4 weeks to complete.

Can you go from special constable to police officer?

Whilst time served as a Special will not guarantee a position as a regular officer, it gives you an insight into the service and will help you meet the criteria and gain the attributes needed to become a police officer.

What are the duties of a special constable?

As a volunteer Special Constable, you will: work with a police force, including its regular officers, staff and other specials upon completion of your initial foundation training, have the same powers and responsibilities as regular officers receive a full police officer uniform that will be provided free of charge

When does a constable reach the top of the pay scale?

This is dependent upon an officer’s performance having been graded as either ‘satisfactory’ or above in the annual appraisal. Dependent on satisfactory performance, a constable will typically reach the top of their pay scale within five to seven years.

What is the salary of a police officer in the UK?

INS to C.INS: £290 / month, £3,500 / year England & Wales Police Officer Salaries With effect from 1 September 2020. Some forces (e.g. Metropolitan Police) provide additional allowances and salary relating to cost of living in those areas.

When does the New England and Wales police salary info come out?

Latest England & Wales officer salary info is effective from 1 September 2020. For 2021, the Sergeant Pay Point 1 (PP1) has been removed, making promotion from Constable immediately better off. Some forces (e.g. Metropolitan Police) provide additional allowances and salary relating to cost of living in those areas.


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