How to install curl on CentOS?

How to install curl on CentOS?

To install it run the following command: Once the installation is complete, verify it by typing curl in your terminal: That’s it! curl has been installed on your CentOS system, and you can start using it. When used without any option, curl prints the source code of the given URL to the standard output:

How do I install phpbrew in a shell script?

Just download it: curl -L -O chmod +x phpbrew.phar Then you can install it into your bin folder: Be sure to have /usr/local/bin in your $PATH environment variable. Init a bash script for your shell environment: Add these lines to your .bashrc or .zshrc file:

What is the curl command in Linux?

The curl command downloads files that are served with FTP, HTTP, SCP, IMAP, and other various supported protocols. It’s an amalgamation of the words World Wide Web and it is used in Unix/Linux systems to download files and packages on the Linux terminal.

What is the difference between default and virtual variants in phpphpbrew?

PHPBrew provides default variants and some virtual variants, to the default variants, which includes the most commonly used variants, to the virtual variants, which defines a variant set, you may use one virtual variant to enable multiple variants at one time.

How do I use curl to download a file?

To download a file with curl, use either the -o or -O option, followed by the URLto the file. The lowercase -o option allows you to specify the name of the saved file: curl -o linux.tar.xz When used with the -I option curl displays the HTTP headers of a given URL:

What is the libcurl-devel package?

The libcurl-devel package includes header files and libraries necessary for developing programs which use the libcurl library. It contains the API documentation of the library, too.

How to use curl to print the source code of a URL?

When used without any option, curl prints the source code of the given URL to the standard output: To download a file with curl, use either the -o or -O option, followed by the URLto the file. The lowercase -o option allows you to specify the name of the saved file:


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