Is it good to steam private part?

Is it good to steam private part?

No. There is no scientific evidence to support the benefits of vaginal steaming, and most OB/GYNs and physicians recommend against it. Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ, and practices such as douching and vaginal steaming can harm it.

What is the V steam treatment?

Vaginal steaming, sometimes shortened to V-steaming, and also known as yoni steaming, is an alternative health treatment whereby a woman squats or sits over steaming water containing herbs such as mugwort, rosemary, wormwood, and basil.

How do Yoni pearls work?

One creator of the product says the herbs in these pearls create a “pulling effect that draws toxins, bad bacteria, dead cells, old blood clots, mucus and more from your yoni, while at the same time tightening your yoni and deterring vaginal dryness and other ailments.”

What is the traditional vaginal steam?

We offer the traditional vaginal steam used with natural herbs to strengthen, tone, tighten, and restore good circulation to the reproductive areas. Our V steam method is an ancient ritual dated back many centuries.

What services do we offer at V steam?

We offer unique services that can help you to feel like your absolute most confident feminine self. The main specialty of the services we provide is Vaginal Steaming. Our custom V Steams Saunas are complete, with a beautiful state of the art design which makes our V Steam therapy unlike any other.

What is a yoni steam?

The Yoni Steam is a natural and gentle holistic approach to vaginal steaming. This form of hydrotherapy utilizes herbal infusions from mother earth into a warm relaxing bath that you sit over and allow to cleanse and detox your vagina, cervix,…

What makes our V steam saunas unique?

Our custom V Steams Saunas are complete, with a beautiful state of the art design which makes our V Steam therapy unlike any other. A custom built-in infrared component adds extra benefits to this amazing, timeless holistic health modality..


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