Is optometry board exam hard?

Is optometry board exam hard?

It’s Not Easy: It isn’t easy; this is something you must study for. I thought I studied thoroughly yet I still sweat a little bit during the exam and said “damn this was harder then I thought!” Time is of the essence: There are 50 questions and you only have 60 minuets to take the test.

How do I study for NBEO?


  1. Start early.
  2. Schedule your review time.
  3. Get an accountability partner.
  4. Start with subjects you’re most familiar with.
  5. Repeat and repeat again.
  6. Get away from distractions.

Is KMK signature worthwhile?

The answer is YES! KMK’s Signature course has proven to increase board scores by 11.8%! Now even more students have an opportunity to pass on their very first attempt at the Part 1 NBEO® exam!

Is NBEO hard?

6) You should be thankful that the NBEO is difficult, it is the last limiting step that makes sure only the best of the best can go on to become an OD. 7) I learned so much after studying for the NBEO, especially in ophthalmic optics and systemic disease.

Is NBEO Part 1 hard?

The NBEO Part I Exam is one of the most challenging exams you will take in optometry school. Here are a few tips in the final weeks of preparations.

When should I start studying for optometry?

It’s Never Too Early To Start Thinking About Boards If you are a first or second year, you are, in a sense, preparing for boards by learning as much as you can from your existing classes.

What does Abo mean in Optometry?

The American Board of Opticianry and National Contact Lens Examiners (ABO-NCLE) is a national, non-profit organization which administers voluntary certification examinations for dispensing opticians and contact lens technicians.

How long is NBEO Part 2?

3.5 hours
The Part II PAM examination consists of 350 items, approximately 120 of which are categorized as TMOD items (see Embedded TMOD Exam link on this page). Candidates will have 3.5 hours to complete each session.

Can you share KMK?

Account sharing is expressly a violation of KMK’s Terms and Conditions. Sharing accounts puts users in jeopardy of losing access to their KMK courses.


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