Is Please bear with us correct?

Is Please bear with us correct?

The Internet is full of mistaken uses of homophones in expressions such as bear with me and bare with me. Bare with me doesn’t mean what you might think it means! The verb bare means “to reveal” or “to uncover.” The correct expression, “bear with me,” means “be patient with me.”

What is another way to say please bear with me?

Here are alternatives to the phrase bear with me: (Formal) Please be patient with me. (Formal) Thank you for being patient with me. (Formal) Please wait a moment.

What does it mean please bear with us?

bear with (someone or something) To remain patient and attentive, especially during a lengthy or problematic situation that may cause one to want to quit or leave prematurely. Often used as an imperative. I’m moving a little slower these days, so please bear with me.

How do you use bare or bear?

Bare means naked, but to bear is to carry something. A bear is also a brown furry animal, but most people keep that one straight. If you can’t bear to remember it all, just imagine a lumbering grizzly carrying a heavy load, and you’ll bear this knowledge with glee! If a bear bares his teeth, though, run!

Is it bearing or baring?

“Bearing” is the present participle of the verb “bear,” which usually refers to supporting someone or something and/or giving birth. Baring is the present participle of the verb “bare,” which commonly refers to uncovering someone or something.

What are other ways to say bear?


  • absorb,
  • accept,
  • bide.
  • [chiefly dialect],
  • brook,
  • countenance,
  • endure,
  • What is another word for teddy bear?

    What is another word for teddy bear?

    plush bear stuffed bear
    stuffed animal stuffed toy

    What does the word interim?

    adjective. for, during, belonging to, or connected with an intervening period of time; temporary; provisional: an interim order; an interim job. adverb. meanwhile.

    How do you use bear in a sentence?

    Bear sentence example

    1. I could not bear to see her punished.
    2. It wasn’t the first time she had seen a bear track, but it was the first time she had seen one that fresh.
    3. Finally she could bear the suspense no longer.
    4. Finally Katie could bear the silence no longer.
    5. I can’t bear it!
    6. I can’t bear those old men!

    How do you write bear?

    In the present tense, there are two spellings: bear and bare.

    Is it OK to say “Bear with US during this inconvenience”?

    No, but it’s close: please bear with us during this inconvenience. (This instead of the because you’re likely to be talking about a specific circumstance. The is OK too). “For” makes it sound like the people should be inconvenienced. Like they’re the ones who are enabling it.

    Is it “bare with me” or “bear with Me?

    In its noun form, bear refers to a large furry animal. Combining these two definitions into a silly sentence will help you remember that the correct phrase is “bear with me,” not “bare with me.” A patient bear will always bear with you, but an impatient bear just might devour you! Here are some online examples that use the phrase correctly.

    What does it mean when someone says to bear with them?

    Usually, when someone’s asking you to “bear with them,” they’re not asking you to literally endure some awful fate with them. They’re just asking you to hold on a second while they wrap up a project, conclude a phone call, or something to that effect.


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