What are the 6 generations?

What are the 6 generations?

Generation names explained

  • The Lost Generation — born 1883-1900.
  • The Greatest Generation — born 1901-1924.
  • The Silent Generation — born 1925-1945.
  • Baby Boomer Generation — born 1946-1964.
  • Generation X — born 1965-1980.
  • Generation Y — born 1981-1996.
  • Generation Z — born 1997-2012.
  • Generation Alpha — born 2013-2025.

What is the 2025 generation called?

Generation Alpha
That is why the generations today each span 15 years with Generation Y (Millennials) born from 1980 to 1994; Generation Z from 1995 to 2009 and Generation Alpha from 2010 to 2024. And so it follows that Generation Beta will be born from 2025 to 2039.

What are the 6 generation years?

Generations X,Y, Z and the Others

  • The Depression Era. Born: 1912-1921.
  • World War II. Born: 1922 to 1927.
  • Post-War Cohort. Born: 1928-1945.
  • Boomers I or The Baby Boomers. Born: 1946-1954.
  • Boomers II or Generation Jones. Born: 1955-1965.
  • Generation X. Born: 1966-1976.
  • Generation Y, Echo Boomers or Millenniums.
  • Generation Z.

What are 5 generations?

5 Generations in the Workforce

  • Silents or Traditionalists (1925–1946)
  • Baby Boomers (1946–1964)
  • Generation X (1964–1981)
  • Millennials or Generation Y (1982–1995)
  • Generation Z (after 1995)

What’s between GENX and millennials?

Xennials, also known as the Oregon Trail Generation, are the micro-generation of people on the cusp of the Generation X and Millennial demographic cohorts.

How old are Gen Alpha?

That is why the generations today each span 15 years with Generation Y (Millennials) born from 1980 to 1994; Generation Z from 1995 to 2009 and Generation Alpha from 2010 to 2024. So it follows that Generation Beta will be born from 2025 to 2039.

What will Generation Alpha be like?

Alpha generation children are born at a time when technological devices are getting smarter, everything is connected, and the physical and the digital are coming together. As they grow up, new technologies will become part of their lives, their experiences, their attitudes and their expectations of the world.

What are the generations breakdown?

Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995. Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976. Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964. Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before.

How many years is 7 generations?

It is believed to have originated with the Iroquois – Great Law of the Iroquois – which holds appropriate to think seven generations ahead (about 140 years into the future) and decide whether the decisions they make today would benefit their children seven generations into the future.

How many Gen Xers are there?

Generation X is only “small” by comparison to other large generations. While Baby Boomers and Millennials number over 70 million, according to census data there are around 65 million Gen Xers. Therefore, we can’t narrow down the exact personality profile of Gen Xers.

Are Generation Xers Baby Boomers?

Most Generation Xers were likely born to Baby Boomers. However, there may be some of them who were born to younger Silent Generation parents that had children much later in life. As with multiple generations that came before and after them, determining the age range of generational cohorts isn’t an exact science.

How did “Generation X” start?

However, “Generation X” gained its current usage after the publication of Douglas Coupland’s novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. Because the term was only used some thirty years after the generation’s beginning, this new generation had many previous names. Some of these names included:


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