What are the key terms in sociology?

What are the key terms in sociology?

Definitions of key terms for the five basic sociological perspectives – Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism, Social Action Theory and Postmodernism.

What are the 4 topics you study in GCSE sociology?

Subject content

  • The sociological approach.
  • Social structures, social processes and social issues.
  • Families.
  • Education.
  • Crime and deviance.
  • Social stratification.
  • Sociological research methods.

What is Privatised instrumentalism in sociology?

Privatised. instrumentalism. Propaganda. Information (often false or biased) that is used to promote a particular viewpoint or. cause.

What does Analyse mean in sociology?

Analyse means picking something apart into its component parts…. basically it involves outlining and explaining and then ‘digging deeper’ to explain even further… Analyse how a concept relates to other concepts/ perspectives. Analyse the reasons for social changes.

What are the 7 areas of sociology?

The main branches of sociology are as follows:

  • Theoretical Sociologist. It includes micro theory or small/middle/large theory.
  • Historical Sociology. It is the study of social facts and social groups.
  • Sociology of Knowledge.
  • Criminology.
  • Sociology of Religion.
  • Sociology of Economy.
  • Rural Sociology.
  • Urban Sociology.

What is Aqa Sociology?

GCSE Sociology helps students to gain knowledge and understanding of key social structures, processes and issues through the study of families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification. develop opinions and new ideas on social issues. analyse and better understand the social world.

What can I do with GCSE sociology?

Taking your learning further by studying A Level sociology and going on to university could lead you to a number of exciting and challenging roles:

  • Youth worker.
  • Policy officer.
  • Social research.
  • Community development officer.
  • Probation officer.
  • It also sets the foundation for undergraduate study.

What are particularistic standards?

Within the family, the child is judged by particularistic standards. Parents treat the child as their own, unique, special child, rather than judging him or her by universal standards that are applied to every individual.

How do you write a 12 marker in sociology?

  1. First paragraph: One well-explained point for side A of the argument. Use sociological language.
  2. Second paragraph: One well-explained point for side B of the argument.
  3. Third paragraph: Ideally another side A point.
  4. Fourth paragraph: Ideally another side B point.
  5. Fifth paragraph: Conclusion.

What are 4 types of sociological questions?

Sociology’s Four Theoretical Perspectives: Structural-Functional, Social Conflict, Feminism & Symbolic Interactionism.

What does outline mean in sociology?

Outline. Set out main characteristics.


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