What are the roles of the school based support team?

What are the roles of the school based support team?

The primary purpose of the School Based Support Team is to ensure all students are given the opportunity to be successful in the general education classroom by providing a structured support system for teachers and parents when students are experiencing difficulties.

What happens in an SST meeting?

The SST meeting provides everyone with an opportunity to share concerns and develop a plan. The interventions agreed upon will vary depending on the child’s needs. The SST team may also try to determine if the child may be struggling due to a specific learning disability or other special need.


School-Based Support Team (SBST) social workers are expected to support the successful implementation of remote IEP meetings. Key expectations are as follows: Introduce parents to the method for moving forward with cases during the DOE school closure and support parents with the use of technological/online services.

What is a school based team?

A school-based team is an ongoing team of school-based personnel which has a formal role to play as a problem-solving unit in assisting classroom teachers to develop and implement instructional and/or management strategies and to coordinate support resources for students within the school.

Can parents call for an SST?

Usually teachers refer a student to the SST. Parents can also request an SST for their child who is struggling to succeed in school.

How long are SST meetings?

As time is a limited resource, the SST should make every effort to restrict the meetings to a thirty (30) minute timeframe. The meeting should begin with introductions, if necessary.

What are the duties of district based support team?

“District-based Support Teams (DBST)” – Groups of departmental professionals whose responsibility it is to promote inclusive education through training, curriculum delivery, distribution of resources, identifying, assessing and addressing barriers to learning, leadership and general management.

What is a student support group?

The Student Support Group (SSG) brings together everyone involved in your child’s education to plan supports and follow their progress.

What does the school based support team do?

The primary purpose of the School Based Support Team is to ensure all students are given the opportunity to be successful in the general education classroom by providing a structured support system for teachers and parents when students are experiencing difficulties.

What is the size of the learning log template?

Size: 131.6KB This learning log template focuses on a learning cycle of reflection. Each event or activity can be analyzed in five major steps- description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, and action plan. This cycle repeats if it does not achieve the qualifications and raises a level if it meets them.

What is the Student Log for?

This student log is for the simple tracking of a participant’s progress before, during and after the completion of a given task and assignment. It has different questions which serve as a guide for self-awareness and reflection. You may also see Sales Log Templates. Size: 49.2KB

What are learning logs and how do they work?

Learning logs enable participants to be more aware of their progress in a learning activity. While it monitors the daily progress of the learning Log Templates program, it also plays a vital role in the learning itself.


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