What are two important bits in an Intcon register?
What are two important bits in an Intcon register?
The INTCON Register is a readable and writable register which contains various enable and flag bits. of its corresponding enable bit or the global enable bit, GIE (INTCON<7>).
What is option register in pic?
The OPTION register in the PIC 16f84 microcontroller is a readable and writable register which contains various control bits to configure the TMR0/WDT prescaler, the external INT interrupt, TMR0, and the weak pull-ups on PORTB. Bit 6 selects between interrupt triggering on either a rising or falling edge.
What is Intcon register?
The INTCON register is a readable and writable register which contains the various enable bits for all interrupt sources. No interrupt to the CPU will result unless the GIE bit is set. The GIE bit is the bit INTCON<7> and when set, enables all un-masked interrupts.
What is peripheral interrupts in pic?
A peripheral interrupt is an interrupt generated by a Peripheral. Actually, even a Timer (Timer 0) is a peripheral, though it’s interrupt Flag and Enable bits are treated separately: I guess it comes from the evolution of PICs.
What are Gie and Peie bits where they are located?
Interrupt Control
GIE and PEIE are located in the Interrupt Control (INTCON) special function register. A peripheral’s individual interrupt enable bit must be set in addition to GIE/PEIE before the peripheral can generate an interrupt.
What is GPR and SFR?
Data memory is made up of the Special Function Registers (SFR) area, and the General Pur- pose Registers (GPR) area. The SFRs control the operation of the device, while GPRs are the general area for data storage and scratch pad operations. The data memory is banked for both the GPR and SFR areas.
What is status register in microcontroller?
The status register is a hardware register that contains information about the state of the processor. The status register lets an instruction take action contingent on the outcome of a previous instruction. Typically, flags in the status register are modified as effects of arithmetic and bit manipulation operations.
What are the interrupts available in pic?
Interrupts in PIC PIC18F452
- External: External edge-triggered interrupt on INT0, INT1, and INT2 pins (RB0, RB1 and RB2).
- PORTB pins change interrupts (any one of the RB4–RB7 pins changing state)
- Timer 0 overflow interrupt.
- Timer 1 overflow interrupt.
- Timer 2 overflow interrupt.
- Timer 3 overflow interrupt.
What are the registers associated with pic16f877a timer 1 module?
Timer 1 has a register called TMR1 register, which is 16 bits of size. The below table shows the registers associated with PIC16f877A Timer 1 module. Timer 1 clock source (TMR1CS) bit is used to select the clock source. If TMR1CS becomes 0, then the internal clock is given to the input of the timer peripheral.
What does the intcon Register do?
The INTCON register is a readable and writable register, which contains various enable and flag bits for the TMR0 register overflow, RB port change and external RB0/INT pin interrupt. GIE: Global Interrupt Enable bit 1-Enables all unmasked interrupts 0-Disables all interrupts
What is interrupt in Pic 16f877a?
Please refer to these below links. As the name suggests Interrupts are special events that require immediate attention, it stops a microcontroller/microprocessor from the running task and serves a special task known as Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) or Interrupt Handler. PIC 16F877A has the following 15 interrupt sources :
What happens when pic16f877a reaches max value?
Once it reaches the Max value, it will roll back to zero setting up an OverFlow flag and generates the interrupt if enabled. Pic16f877a has three indepenndent timer which can be used as timer,Counters or for PWM generation.