What does it mean when a guy says I guess?

What does it mean when a guy says I guess?

phrase. You say I guess to show that you are slightly uncertain or reluctant about what you are saying. [mainly US, informal, vagueness]

What does it mean if someone says I guess?

used when you are saying something that you think is probably true or correct. I guess (that): I guess I’ll never be able to explain.

What does the response I guess mean?

Generally, it means yes, but without certainty. That is, if you think a statement is likely true, but don’t know for sure, you might say, “I guess.”

What do you say to I guess?

What is another word for I guess?

presumably doubtless
I believe I expect
I imagine I presume
I suppose credible
hypothetically I dare say

What means Guess not?

Meaning. You can say this to show you agree with a negative statement, esp. if you feel pressured to agree, or you don’t care very much.

Why do I say I guess so much?

“I guess so” is a very useful phrase for reluctantly agreeing with someone. “Reluctantly” agreeing means agreeing but also showing that you’re not completely happy to agree. A: Please come. It’ll be so much fun!

What is the difference between I suppose and I guess?

Suppose usually means to come to a conclusion from the information you have, even if you don’t have enough information to be certain. Guess is sometimes used to mean approximately the same thing. However, ‘guess’ can mean that you are making a statement with very little information or no information at all.

What word means to make a guess?

What is another word for making a guess at?

guessing estimating
reckoning speculating
gaugingUK surmising
approximating deducing
calling determining

What is the difference between I guess so and I think so?

“I think so” denotes that you have reasoning behind your opinion, however, you’re not certain about it, an “I guess so” is a response that makes an assumption. Example: Someone eats the pizza that you put in your fridge, your friend says “I bet it was your brother”, but there are four other people in the house.

What does it mean when someone says I suppose so?

used for showing that you mainly agree with something but that you have some doubts about it. ‘I think their new building is really impressive. ‘ ‘Well, I suppose so. ‘

What means guess so?

◊ In responding to a question, the phrase I guess (so) is used as an informal way of agreeing or saying “yes” when you are not certain or not very excited or interested. “Are you hungry?” “I guess.” “This one looks better, doesn’t it?” “I guess so.”

What is the definition of I guess?

“i guess” is a phrase which you can use as a result to almost any circumstance or opinion. its versatility is actually its strongest asset. popular utilizes include articulating disdain for some thing or somebody, articulating doubt or confusion, articulating the irony and absurdity of a situation,…

What does guessing mean?

Guessing. A guess (or an act of guessing) is a swift conclusion drawn from data directly at hand, and held as probable or tentative, while the person making the guess (the guesser) admittedly lacks material for a greater degree of certainty. A guess is also an unstable answer, as it is “always putative, fallible,…

What is a synonym for Guess?

Synonyms for guess. to draw an inference on the basis of inconclusive evidence or insufficient information. Synonyms. conjecture. infer. speculate.

What is the definition of guess?

Use guess in a sentence. noun. The definition of a guess is an act of predicting, estimating or assuming. An example of a guess is the thought that about 10 people will be in the race.


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