What does newsgroups mean?

What does newsgroups mean?

Newsgroups are arguably the most important part of the Usenet System. Newsgroups are basically the discussion groups that are very similar to the discussion forums on the Internet. There are tens of thousands of newsgroups available on the Usenet and each newsgroup is dedicated to various topics.

How do I read a newsgroup?

All of the posts in that particular newsgroup form the group’s newsfeed. Discussions can also be threaded, with each user replying to a particular post. To read the contents of a newsgroup, a newsreader software is essential. This kind of software is designed to connect to a group on Usenet through a protocol called NNTP.

What are some examples of active newsgroups?

Examples of Active Newsgroups 1 Rec.antiques 2 Rec.art.comics.info 3 Rec.gardens 4 Alt.fan.pikachu 5 Alt.tv.angel 6 Alt.journalism.criticsim 7 Alt.journalism.freelance 8 Alt.games.descent 9 Alt.games.blood 10 Sci.physics 11 Sci.math

What is the difference between binary and text newsgroups?

There are two different types of newsgroups: binary and text. There’s not a lot of difference between them technically, but the categorization allows for greater efficiency for both servers and users. While Usenet wasn’t created for binary files, this became its primary purpose over time.

Where can I find a newsgroup reader?

Locate your newsgroup reader. Windows Vista and Windows 7 provide newsreaders in Windows Mail. In older versions of Windows, look for your newsreader in Outlook Express. Otherwise, access newsgroups through one of the many portals on the Internet. Some popular newsgroups include Usenet.org, Google Groups, and Yahoo! Groups.

How do I access newsgroups on my computer?

Locate your newsgroup reader. Windows Vista and Windows 7 provide newsreaders in Windows Mail. In older versions of Windows, look for your newsreader in Outlook Express. Otherwise, access newsgroups through one of the many portals on the Internet.

How does the 20 newsgroups dataset work?

The 20 newsgroups dataset comprises around 18000 newsgroups posts on 20 topics split in two subsets: one for training (or development) and the other one for testing (or for performance evaluation). The split between the train and test set is based upon a messages posted before and after a specific date. This module contains two loaders.


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