What does the warm program do?

What does the warm program do?

The Weatherization Assistance Program improves the energy efficiency of the homes of low-income families.

What is the warm program Pa?

The WARM Program can help you lower your electric bill and keep your home more comfortable in the winter and summer months. No payment is required for these services.

What is the PCAP program?

The Parent Child Assistance Program (PCAP) is an evidence-informed program that provides case management, home visits, and support services to pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders and their young children.

How does PCAP work in PA?

Pennsylvania Customer Assistance Program (PCAP) The goal of this program is an affordable bill. In PCAP, you will: Receive credits on your bill to either reduce your monthly budget bill or help pay a past due balance, or both. Have the security deposit released and applied to your account if it was held on your account.

Does penelec have an app?

The mobile website is automatically enabled when customers use a smartphone to visit www.firstenergycorp.com. There’s an app for each of FirstEnergy’s 10 electric operating companies, and they’re available for AppleĀ® iPhone and Android smartphones.

How does the Dollar Energy Fund work?

Dollar Energy Fund is funded by public contributions that are matched dollar for dollar by partnering utility companies. Customers of participating utility companies are also able to contribute a dollar or more to Dollar Energy Fund through their monthly utility bill.

How do you weatherize your home?

7 Cheap Ways to Weatherize Your Home this Winter

  1. Door Sweeps.
  2. Door & Window Weatherproofing.
  3. Sealing Gaps & Cracks with Caulk and Foam.
  4. Plastic on Interior Storm Windows.
  5. Water Heater Tank Covers.
  6. Attic Door Insulation.
  7. Sealing Switches & Outlets.


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