What information can we get from IMEI number?

What information can we get from IMEI number?

It can tell you where the phone was made, whether it’s in warranty and, if you ever need to send it to repair, will help you get the same phone back when it’s returned. This can be found within your phone’s ‘About’ data, and on the back of the device in some models.

How do I match my IMEI number?

On Android, go to Settings > About > IMEI to see the IMEI number. Tap Status and scroll down to see the IMEI information. On an iPhone, tap Settings > General > About and scroll down to IMEI.

How does IMEI number look like?

The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a unique identification or serial number that all mobile phones and smartphones have. It is normally 15 digits long. The IMEI number can be found on the silver sticker on the back of your phone, under the battery pack, or on the box your phone came in.

Is my IMEI hacked?

Show my IMEI: *#06# Now, the IMEI shortcode won’t tell you whether the phone is hacked but knowing it is a must to file a police report when your device has been compromised. So, before checking any cell phone hacking codes, learn your IMEI by dialing *#06#, then note it down somewhere safe.

Is IMEI number confidential?

Yes, we should not share our IMEI number. IMEI means International Mobile Equipment Identifier. If you share your IMEI number it will provide access to your location and call logs. Also people can record or listen to your calls.

Can IMEI be fake?

Users of Android smartphones can easily judge phone’s originality with IMEI number. Step 1: You can dial *#06# on your phone to get your IMEI number. If it shows something else than what your phone is saying, it is likely to be a fake brand.

What does the 7th and 8th digits of the IMEI mean?

The 7th and 8th number of the IMEI represents its country of origin or the country in which the phone was manufactured or assembled. In the above Example we can see that the 7th and 8th Digits are – 04.

How to know country of origin of mobile phone from IMEI number?

How to Know Country of Origin of Mobile Phone from IMEI Number and Quality of the Phone Let us Take Example of the IMEI code: 861181041053862 The 7th and 8th number of the IMEI represents its country of origin or the country in which the phone was manufactured or assembled. In the above Example we can see that the 7th and 8th Digits are – 04.

How do I find my phone’s IMEI number?

To view your IMEI number, dial *#06#. Your phone’s IMEI code is also printed either on your phone or on the SIM tray depending on your phone model. If your phone has a removable back cover, you can find the IMEI code under the cover. The IMEI is also visible on the original sales box.


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