What is a pre-deployment health assessment?

What is a pre-deployment health assessment?

The Pre-DHA provides early identification of emerging physical, mental and behavioral concerns prior to deployment. Once the Soldier completes the DD Form 2795, the unit will schedule a one-on-one appointment with a health care provider (HCP) to discuss their responses in a confidential and private setting.

What is a DD 2697?

DD FORM 2697, FEB 95 (BACK) SECTION II – TO BE COMPLETED BY INDIVIDUALLY PRIVILEGED HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. This Report of Medical Assessment is to be used by the Medical Services to provide a comprehensive medical assessment for active and reserve component service members separating or retiring from active duty.

How long is a PDHA good for?

“All Soldiers, whether they are Active Duty, Reserve or National Guard will receive a PDHA within 5 — 30 days of returning, and they must also complete the PDHRA within 90-180 days after returning,” he said.

What happens if you get pregnant during deployment?

When a soldier becomes pregnant in the Army she is given the option to leave the military under honorable conditions or become non-deployable for the duration of her pregnancy.

What is a dd2900?

PURPOSE: To collect information on your physical and mental health status after a deployment in a combat, contingency, or other operation outside of the United States, and to assist health care providers in administering present or future care.

How do I access pre deployment health assessment?

The electronic questionnaire portion of each DHA is accessed online through your AKO portal and will direct you to appropriate electronic form in MEDPROS. For the Pre-DHA, the electronic form is DD2795. For the Post-DHA, the electronic form is DD2796. Lastly, for the Reassessment (PDHRA), the electronic form is DD2900.

When must you complete the Post-Deployment health Reassessment?

90-180 days
Post-Deployment Health Reassessment – required 90-180 days after redeployment.

How do you take PDHA?

Here’s how it works:

  1. Service member (SM) completes SM portion of the DD Form 2900 and calls the PDHRA call center at 1-888-734-7299.
  2. A licensed Physician Assistant (PA) or Nurse Practitioner (NP) reviews the document with the SM and determines if further evaluation or treatment is needed.


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