What is a Shingo assessment?

What is a Shingo assessment?

Successful organizations have systems that drive their culture ever closer to ideal behavior and ideal results. Shingo Insight Assessment is a web-delivered assessment that looks at the entire organization – leaders, managers, and team members – and compares their behavior to the Shingo Model.

What are the 10 guiding principles of the Shingo model for a new way of thinking in performance excellence?

Shingo Guiding Principles

  • Respect Every Individual. Respect must become something that is deeply felt for and by every person in an organization.
  • Lead with Humility.
  • Seek Perfection.
  • Embrace Scientific Thinking.
  • Focus on Process.
  • Assure Quality at the Source.
  • Improve Flow & Pull.
  • Think Systemically.

What is the Shingo model used for?

The Shingo model may be used as a benchmark for what excellence at the highest level should look like. It may be used to align all elements of an organization around a common set of guiding principles and a proven methodology for transformation.

What is the principle of the Shingo model?

The Shingo Guiding Principles are the basis for building a sustainable culture of organizational excellence. In the Guiding Principles diamond, the principles are divided into three dimensions: Cultural Enablers, Continuous Improvement, and Enterprise Alignment.

How do you win Shingo Prize?

The Shingo Prize is based on a complete assessment of an organization’s culture and how well it drives world-class results. Shingo examiners focus on the degree to which the Guiding Principles in the Shingo Model™ are evident in the behavior of every employee.

Who created the Shingo model?

Shigeo Shingō
Shigeo Shingo

Shigeo Shingō
Nationality Japanese
Other names Shingō dai-sensei
Occupation Management trainer and consultant, in Industrial engineering & Business management
Known for SMED, P-Course, Toyota Production System

What is the name of Nobel Prize of manufacturing quality excellence?

Deming Awards are termed as the Nobel Prize in the world of manufacturing. The Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) Started the Deming prize in1951.

What is Shigeo Shingo noted for?

A leader in the fields of continuous process improvement and operational excellence, Shigeo Shingo taught thousands of engineers at Toyota the Toyota Production System, influenced the creation of Kaizen and developed the concept of the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED).

What does process excellence look like?

Process Excellence is concerned with the process itself – making processes more efficient and effective through design and testing. The main goal is to deliver consistent, positive outcomes with minimal variation (which Six Sigma tackles) and waste (which Lean deals with).

What is Shingo insight assessment?

Shingo Insight Assessment is a web-delivered assessment that looks at the entire organization – leaders, managers, and team members – and compares their behavior to the Shingo Model.

What are the three levels of Shingo questions?

Standardized questions grouped by the ten Guiding Principles of the Shingo Model and across three levels: executives, managers, and team members. Option to work with a Shingo Affiliate to help you understand the findings and learn how to use them to improve your organization.

What is the Shingo Model?

When such alignment took place, ideal behaviors followed and perpetuated a deep culture of operational excellence. Based on our findings, we developed the Shingo model that consists of an organized collection of guiding principles (the House) and a transformation process (the Diamond).

Why is the Shingo Prize standard so high?

Our standard has not always been so high. For 18 years The Shingo Prize evaluated organizations by noting their application of lean tools, the quality of their lean program deployment and, to some degree, the engagement of their management teams. This process consistently resulted in eight to 10 organizations receiving The Shingo Prize each year.


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