What is a WST-1 assay?

What is a WST-1 assay?

WST-1 Assay Reagent ab155902 provides a simple, accurate and ready-to-use assay to measure cell proliferation, cell viability and cytotoxicity in mammalian cells. The WST-1 assay protocol is based on the cleavage of the tetrazolium salt WST-1 to formazan by cellular mitochondrial dehydrogenases.

What is an LDH assay?

The LDH assay, also known as LDH release assay, is a cell death / cytotoxicity assay used to assess the level of plasma membrane damage in a cell population.

What is LDH assay?

How is cell proliferation measured?

Besides overall metabolic activity, cell proliferation may be measured by examining one or more specific markers within a cell. A well-published example is the BrdU incorporation assay. Another such marker is proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), which promotes DNA replication in actively proliferating cells.

What is SRB blood draw?

Sulforhodamine B (SRB) Cellular Cytotoxicity Assay is one of the most widely used methods for detecting the cell viability or cytotoxicity of drugs. This test is based on the ability of SRB to bind cellular protein components and to measure total biomass.

How does the WST-1 assay work?

The WST-1 assay protocol is based on the cleavage of the tetrazolium salt to formazan by cellular mitochondrial dehydrogenase. The amount of the dye generated by activity of dehydrogenase is directly proportional to the number of living cells.

What is the best assay kit for cell viability?

WST-1 Cell Proliferation Assay Kit (ab65473) provides by far the easiest and most sensitive means for performing a quantitative cell proliferation assay, cell viability assay, or cytotoxicity assay in mammalian cells. It is also available in a ready-to-use reagent format: ab155902.

What is the caspase-Glo®1 assay?

The Caspase-Glo®1 Assay can be used to measure caspase-1 activity directly in cell cultures or released caspase-1 activity in culture medium. Monitoring released caspase-1 activity from culture medium is nondestructive, enabling use of the biological sample with other assays.

What is the purpose of the Alinity m HIV-1 assay?

The Alinity m HIV-1 assay is intended for use in the clinical management of HIV-1 infected individuals in conjunction with clinical presentation and other laboratory markers. The Alinity m HIV-1 assay may be used to monitor disease prognosis by measuring the baseline plasma HIV-1 RNA level and to assess viral response…


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