What is acid phosphatase?
What is acid phosphatase?
Acid phosphatase is a ubiquitous lysosomal enzyme that hydrolyses organic phosphates at an acid pH. Although the postpuberteral prostatic epithelial cell contains a uniquely high concentration of acid phosphatase, cellular components of bone, spleen, kidney, liver, intestine, and blood also contain this enzyme.
What is the purpose of acid phosphatase?
Acid phosphatase (ACP, EC number 3.1. 3.2) is an enzyme which removes phosphate from other molecules during digestion. It catalyzes the conversion of orthophosphoric monoester and H2O to alcohol and phosphoric acid. The enzyme is most effective in acidic environment, hence its name.
What class of enzyme is acid phosphatase?
hydrolase class
Acid phosphatases (APs) are a family of enzymes that belong to the hydrolase class. They are specifically grouped together because of the shared ability to catalyse the hydrolysis of orthophosphate monoesters under acidic conditions.
Is acid phosphatase a protein?
Based on this we can distinguish the histidine acid phosphatases (Van Etten, Ann N Y Acad Sci 390:27-51, 1982), the low molecular weight protein tyrosine acid phosphatases and the metal-ion dependent phosphatases.
What is acid phosphatase a major constituent of?
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) is a component of total acid phosphates and is a major constituent in seminal fluid and is also secreted in the urine.
What is the importance of the enzyme acid phosphatase in forensic studies?
The acid phosphatase reaction has now become an indispensable chemical test in the hands of a forensic scientist to identify the presence of semen which is an abundant source of the enzyme acid phosphatase (1). This enzyme acts optimally on monoesters of phosphoric acid at pH values around 5 to 6 (2).
What organisms have acid phosphatases?
Acid phosphatases are also found in nonmammalian species such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and plants, and most of them share structural similarities with mammalian acid phosphatase enzymes. Acid phosphatase (EC 3.1. 3.2) enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters following the general equation.
What are the ACP isoenzymes?
Acid phosphatase (ACP) is a hydrolytic lysosomal enzyme secreted by a number of cells including blood cells as well as by the prostate, bones, liver and other tissues. Several isozymes of ACP have tissue specificity. Band 5, tartrate resistant ACP (TRACP) consists of two isoforms, bands 5a and 5b.
What is the pH of acid phosphatase?
The pH optimum for acid phosphatase activity was 5.8 for 67% of the isolates and 4.8 for 33%. All of the isolates showed peak phosphatase activity at 37 degrees C.