What is an occult hernia in women?

What is an occult hernia in women?

An occult hernia or hidden hernia, also commonly referred to as an occult inguinal hernia, is an undetectable mass of herniated tissue. It is usually impossible to discover through a physical examination or even with an ultrasound.

What does a hernia in a female feel like?

Typically, patients with ventral hernias describe mild pain, aching or a pressure sensation at the site of the hernia. The discomfort worsens with any activity that puts a strain on the abdomen, such as heavy lifting, running or bearing down during bowel movements. Some patients have a bulge but do not have discomfort.

How do you check for a hernia on a woman?

Your doctor at All Women’s Care can diagnose a hernia through a physical exam. During the exam, your doctor feels for any bulges in your groin or abdominal area that become larger when you cough, strain, or stand.

What can be mistaken for a hernia?

(SLS). Hernias can go misdiagnosed in women, and can instead be thought to be ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, or other abdominal issues, according to the SLS. Women’s hernias can be small and internal. They might not be a bulge that can be felt in an exam or be visible outside the body, according to the SLS.

How does a woman get an inguinal hernia?

Most inguinal hernias happen because an opening in the muscle wall does not close as it should before birth, leaving a weak area in the belly muscle. Pressure on that area can cause tissue to push through the belly and bulge out. Belly muscles that are torn or weakened can also cause the condition.

How do I check myself for a hernia?

How to tell you have a hernia

  1. Feel for a lump or swelling around the pubic bone.
  2. If you find a lump, make note of where it is and lie down.
  3. Did the lump disappear or become smaller? If so, it may be a hernia.
  4. Do you feel discomfort when coughing or lifting heavy objects? It’s almost certainly a hernia.

Where do you feel pain from a hernia?

The symptoms that lead most people to the doctor, and eventually a hernia diagnosis, typically include pain in the abdomen, particularly in the groin area. The pain tends to get worse if you sneeze, cough, lift something heavy or strain. But different types of hernia can cause other symptoms.

Where is a hiatal hernia located on a woman?

A hiatal hernia (say “hi-AY-tul HER-nee-uh”) happens when part of your stomach bulges up through the diaphragm and into your chest. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that separates your belly (abdomen) from your chest.

What does an epigastric hernia feel like to the touch?

A common sign of this hernia is a lump or bulge either below or to the side of the belly button. The lump may feel soft to the touch. Another symptom is constant or intermittent abdominal pain . Pain intensity can vary.

Where is epigastric pain located?

Epigastric pain is pain that is localized to the region of the upper abdomen immediately below the ribs. Often, those who experience this type of pain feel it during or right after eating or if they lie down too soon after eating. It is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn.

What is an occult hernia?

Importance: Occult hernias are symptomatic but not palpable on physical examination. This is more commonly seen with inguinal hernias. Early diagnosis and treatment of occult hernias are essential in relieving symptoms and improving patients’ quality of life.

What are the symptoms of a hernia in women?

Abdominal pain is just one of the symptoms of a hernia in a woman. The classic abdominal hernia is the one that springs to most minds when thinking about a hernia. A weak spot in the abdominal muscles can allow fatty tissue or a loop of the intestine to penetrate and appear as a bulge on the surface.

Can inguinal hernias cause pelvic pain in women?

Occult or Hidden Inguinal Hernia as a Cause of Pelvic Pain in Women Currently, in the U.S., there are fewer than five programs considering or offering treatment for inguinal hernias as a cause of pelvic pain in women. These hernias are called hidden because they are not appreciated on an exam, X-ray, or even visible initially on laparoscopy.

Does inguinal hernia show up on CT scan?

Role of imaging in the diagnosis of occult hernias Ultrasonography and CT cannot reliably exclude occult groin abnormalities. Patients with clinical suspicion of inguinal hernia should undergo MRI as the definitive radiologic examination.


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