What is another word for keep in touch?

What is another word for keep in touch?

synonyms for keep in touch

  1. advertise.
  2. broadcast.
  3. connect.
  4. contact.
  5. convey.
  6. correspond.
  7. disclose.
  8. disseminate.

What is the closest synonym for adherence?


  • attachment.
  • faithfulness.
  • loyalty.
  • obedience.
  • cohesion.
  • constancy.
  • fidelity.

How do you say get in touch formal?

get in touch with

  1. address,
  2. communicate (with),
  3. contact,
  4. get,
  5. reach.

How do you say stay tuned?

When expressing that you will stay tuned, or are awaiting updates:

  1. Keep me posted.
  2. Let me know.
  3. Keep me in the loop.
  4. Keep me up-to-date.
  5. Keep me apprised.
  6. Keep me up to speed.

What does adhering to mean?

Definition of adhere to : to act in the way that is required by (something, such as a rule, belief, or promise) They will adhere to the terms of the contract. Certain standards must be adhered to by all members.

What is health care adherence?

Terminology. In medicine, compliance (synonymous with adherence, capacitance) describes the degree to which a patient correctly follows medical advice. Most commonly, it refers to medication or drug compliance, but it can also apply to medical device use, self care, self-directed exercises, or therapy sessions.

How do you tell someone to keep in touch?

You could say something like “I’d love to stay in touch” or “It’d be great to talk more.” Be honest: Truly sometimes honesty is the best way to go. Just keep it real and tell them how you feel or why you lost contact with them. It is usually nothing personal and you being honest can help them to understand that.

What does the idiom get in touch mean?

phrase. If you get in touch with someone, you contact them by writing to them or phoning them. If you are, keep, or stay in touch with them, you write, phone, or visit each other regularly.

What does staying put mean?

Definition of stay put : to not move or go anywhere Stay put until I get back.

What’s another word for coming soon?

What is another word for coming soon?

forthcoming impending
in the near future nearing
upcoming approaching
coming up

What does strictly adhere means?

(adhere to something) to obey a rule, law, agreement etc. We must strictly adhere to the terms of the contract. Collocations and examples.

What is the meaning of the expression on a shoestring?

The slang term “shoestring” often describes a small amount of money which may be an inadequate amount to fund the intended purpose of its use in full. The budgeting process is where the term will most frequently appear, as in a “shoestring budget” or alternately as “on a shoestring.”

What does it mean to stay in touch with someone?

keep in touch (with someone or something) and remain in touch (with someone or something); stay in touch (with someone or something) to maintain communications with someone; to maintain up-to-date knowledge about someone or something. After my neighbor moved, we still remained in touch.

What does it mean to keep in touch with old friends?

To maintain contact with another person, especially at intervals so as to remain up to date with each other’s lives. My old high school friends and I tried keeping in touch once we graduated, but we all started drifting apart once college got underway. Now, make sure you keep in touch.


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