What is another word for technological?

What is another word for technological?

Technological Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for technological?

technical industrial
techy mechanical
practical applied
engineering hi-tech
factual non-theoretical

What is another word for electronic devices?

What is another word for electronic device?

vacuum tube electron tube
thermionic tube VT

Is technology a synonym of media?

And finally, ruminate on this for a while: Technology assists, enables, and provides a platform for communications. …

What is another word for technologically advanced?

What is another word for technologically advanced?

advanced developed
creative contemporary
commercial industrial
sophisticated leading
innovative highly-developed

What is the synonym of device?

synonyms for device

  • accessory.
  • apparatus.
  • appliance.
  • equipment.
  • gadget.
  • gear.
  • machine.
  • material.

What is the meaning of digital device?

A. D. A physical unit of equipment that contains a computer or microcontroller. Today, myriad devices are digital including a smartphone, tablet and smartwatch. In contrast, there are numerous non-digital (analog) devices, such as a thermometer, electric fan and bicycle.

What is the meaning of digital devices?

A digital device is a piece of physical equipment that uses digital data, such as by sending, receiving, storing or processing it.

What is another word for digital media?

Media via computers etc….What is another word for digital media?

creative images
imagery pictures

How do you say technology advanced?

“He was looking at the product of a technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilization.”…What is another word for technologically advanced?

advanced developed
leading-edge modern
avant-garde groundbreaking
manufacturing newfangled
creative contemporary

What is the meaning of modern technology?

Involving the use of modern or advanced systems or technology. Adjective. . Of, relating to, involving, or caused by technology, especially modern scientific technology. technical. industrial. scientific. high-tech. techy.

What is another word for hi tech?

hi tech; high tech; industrial science; scientific know-how; scientific knowledge; technical knowledge


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