What is cross situational consistency?

What is cross situational consistency?

the degree to which a psychological attribute, such as a personal disposition or a cognitive style, is displayed in the same, or a functionally equivalent, manner in different social environments.

What is temporal stability?

Temporal stability refers to the stability of the content of reports across. time. It is conceptually similar to test-retest reliability, but is primarily a. function of intervening events rather than of random cognitive errors.

What is situational specificity?

People show situation specificity if they behave differently in different situations. It has been shown repeatedly that at least for social behavior, cross-situational consistency (the opposite of situation specificity) is the exception.

Why is it important to identify cross cultural differences in experience personality and behavior quizlet?

Why is it important to identify cross-cultural differences in experience, personality, and behavior? Correct Answer(s): Such cross-cultural differences tell us about variability in human experiences. Cross-cultural research informs us about the generalizability of research findings.

What is cross-situational word learning?

Cross-situational learning is a mechanism for learning the meaning of words across multiple exposures, despite exposure-by-exposure uncertainty as to the word’s true meaning.

What is temporal consistency?

Temporal consistency is an index of the retest reliability of an instrument. It assumes that there is no substantial change in the construct being measured between the two occasions.

Which is a form of temporal stability reliability?

Temporal stability: This type of reliability utilizes the same form of a test on two or more separate occasions to the same group of examinees (Test-retest). For example, the examinees might be adaptive to the test format and thus tend to score higher in later tests. This consequence is known as the carry-over effect.

What is situational dependency?

Situational dependency arising from these types of relationship events will have two primary consequences. Individuals may protect the self and reduce dependence by, for example, distancing themselves from their partners or actively devaluing their partner and the relationship.

What is situational specificity of tolerance?

The situational specificity of tolerance implies that alcohol will have a greater effect if administered in the presence of unusual cues, rather than in familiar settings typically associated with the drug.

In what ways did Jung’s life experiences influence his analytical psychology?

In what ways did Jung’s life experiences influence his analytical psychology? His acceptance of the forces of his own unconscious mind foretold his later professional interests. Autobiographical evidence is also strong with regard to his views on sex.

Which psychological perspective highlights the manner in which people are influenced by the presence of conflicts between the id and superego?

Freud’s psychodynamic perspective theorized that personality is formed through early childhood experiences, as well as through inner conflicts among the id, ego, and superego.

What is fast mapping in psychology?

the ability of young children to learn new words quickly on the basis of only one or two exposures to these words.


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