What is kdkdc Theatre?
What is kdkdc Theatre?
KDC Theatre – Central London based amateur theatre group – Maker of theatre: creating, experimenting, learning, performing. Lovely to meet so many new people at the season launch yesterday, very much looking forward to the auditions next week. Here’s all the info you need:
When is the annual general meeting of KDC Theatre 2021?
NOTICE IS GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting of KDC Theatre will be at 7pm on Monday 9 August 2021, at The Drayton Arms , 153 Old Brompton Road, London, Greater London, SW5 0LJ to transact the following business: C lick here to view the revised agenda, including the nominees.
How do I become a KDC member?
Submit an application form. (New applications round opens 2 Aug) KDC is a performing arts charity that has existed for the last 90 years, and (as far as we know) is the only central London amateur theatre group focused on plays.