What is MLC 2006?
What is MLC 2006?
Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) is an international agreement that revised and replaced most of the existing International Labour Organization (ILO) maritime labor instruments and recommendations adopted since 1920.
What is marmaritime Labour Convention (MLC)?
Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), according to the ILO or International Labour Organisation, provides a broad perspective to the seafarer’s rights and fortification at work. The maritime regulation will finally enter into force on August 20th, 2013.
What are the different parts of the MLC?
The MLC 2006 Convention comprises of three different and related parts – the Articles, the Regulations and the Code. Regulations and Code are organized into general areas under five Titles.
What is the MLC 2006 Convention on international voyages?
Ships below 200 GT, that are not carrying out international voyages, can be excluded by the flag State from some of the requirements if they are already covered by national laws. The MLC 2006 Convention comprises of three different and related parts – the Articles, the Regulations and the Code.