What is MV in radiation therapy?

What is MV in radiation therapy?

Megavoltage x-rays also have lower relative biological effectiveness than orthovoltage x-rays. These properties help to make megavoltage x-rays the most common beam energies typically used for radiotherapy in modern techniques such as IMRT.

What are the side effects of brachytherapy?

Side effects of brachytherapy can include swelling, bruising, bleeding, or pain and discomfort at the spot where the radiation was delivered. Brachytherapy used for gynecologic cancers or prostate cancer can lead to short-term urinary symptoms, including incontinence or pain on urination.

Is kV or MV higher?

The imaging dose from kV radiographs and kV-CBCT scans is much less than from conventional MV portal imaging. Using kV imaging rather than MV imaging reduces patient doses and results in higher quality images.

How long does it take to recover from brachytherapy?

Most side effects go away after treatment ends. Side effects include trouble or pain when urinating and diarrhea. But you may feel very tired for 4 to 6 weeks after your last treatment.

How successful is brachytherapy?

Brachytherapy increases the 9-year success rate from 62 percent to 83 percent for those with intermediate to high-risk cancer.

What makes radiotherapy an effective treatment modality?

Also, the development of the fields of radiobiology and radiation metrology was particularly important in making radiotherapy an effective treatment modality for cancer therapy. External beam radiotherapy began with superficial and orthovoltage therapy with x-ray tubes and teletherapy with sealed radioactive sources.

Can we deliver high precision radiotherapy without periodic image guidance?

There is no single method available that eliminates treatment-related uncertainties without considerably adding to the cost. However, delivering “high precision radiotherapy” without periodic image guidance would do more harm than treating large volumes to compensate for setup errors.

How is external beam radiotherapy carried out?

Most external beam radiotherapy is carried out with photon beams, some with electron beams and a very small fraction with more exotic particles such as protons, heavier ions or neutrons. This chapter deals with external photon beam radiotherapy.

What is an error in radiotherapy delivery?

An error in radiotherapy delivery is defined as any deviation from intended or planned treatment.



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