What is PNR number in railway ticket?

What is PNR number in railway ticket?

Passenger Name Record
PNR is a 10-digit number which stands for Passenger Name Record. It is a unique number that is assigned to every booked train ticket by Indian Railways. PNR Status means the current status of booked train ticket i.e. whether it is confirmed, waitlisted or RAC (Reservation Against Cancellation).

What is 10 digit PNR number?

A 10-digit number – that is a PNR number – is generated by the system which corresponds to the information fed and stored against each booking. In other words, it is a reference number to access this information. The passenger and itinerary details will remain in the database for 9 months, after which it is deleted.

What is PNR number?

PNR, PNR number, or PNR code is an electronic detail consisting of numbers and letters given after booking a flight. PNR is the abbreviation of “Passenger Name Record” and it is also used as a booking number on the sectoral basis.

How can I get PNR number?

Each PNR number is unique and is generated at the time of booking. If you received your ticket through the railway ticket counter, then you can find the PNR number to the top left corner of the ticket. And in case you own an e-ticket, then the number can be located at the upper part of the ticket.

Is PNR number same as booking reference?

A booking reference, also referred to as a PNR or Record Locator, is the airline’s internal identifier for your flight booking within their computer system. Instead of the term “booking reference”, most times in the travel industry your hear Passenger Name Record – hence PNR.

Will my PNR confirm?

PNR status will inform whether train ticket is in Confirmed (CNF), Waitlisted (WL) or Reservation Against Cancellation Station (RAC) status. It will also inform about the seating class, seat number, coach number, boarding time of the train and arriving time for your destination.

What is PNR example?

A PNR multiplies each time several systems are involved in the reservation. If, for example, a travel agent uses Amadeus to book a flight operated by a Sabre-hosted carrier, there will be at least two PNRs with their own record locators.

Is PNR and ticket number same?

PNR means Passenger Name Record. Ticket number is for Railway internal purpose and is only for their logistics control. This is the difference between airline and train ticket. Airline Ticket number is also a way to retrieve your booking , but not in Indian Railways.

Is PNR number same as reservation code?

The PNR Record Locator is the reservation number of the trip booked by the travel agency from the GDS system, which is typically different than the airline confirmation code.

Can I check old PNR status?

Via SMS service: Using SMS service Check your PNR status by sending an SMS in one of the following formats: your 10-digit PNR number to 139. your 10-digit PNR number to 5676747.

What is PNR number Kuwait?

The Passenger Name Record (PNR) will provide you with information about the real-time status of your booking. You will be able to know if your Kuwait Airways tickets have been confirmed, or if you are on the waiting list.

Can I travel with RLWL ticket?

Can we travel in train if the ticket is in RLWL? Yes you can travel only if the ticket is not booked online. You can travel if you have a waitlisted ticket from PRS counter. But you will not get a seat there.

The 10 digit Passenger Name Record (PNR) is a unique number in which the complete information of the passengers are stored . 2. The initial three digits of 10 digit PNR number indicate which PRS (Passenger Reservation System, developed by CSIR) has booked tickets. The 3 numbers indicate which zone the passenger reservation has been Done.

How to check live train status?

Open any browser and head over to ” https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/ntes/index.html “.

  • Enter train name/No in the box provided.
  • After you enter train name/No,Live Train Status will show up.
  • PNR is short name for ‘Passenger Name Record’. It is 10 digit number saved in the database of Center for Railway Information System (CRIS). PNR number is required for travel in the reserved coaches of the train.

    What is PNR number flight?

    A PNR, or Passenger Name Record , is the 6-digit booking reference number associated with any airline flight reservation. A single PNR will contain all flights and passengers on the booking, and usually contains a mixture of letters and numbers (e.g. MJ7E3H).


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