What is SCS number?
What is SCS number?
The SCS curve number method is a simiple, widely used and efficient method for determining the approxient amount of runoff from a rainfall even in a particular area. The curve number is based on the area’s hydrologic soil group, land use , treatment and hydrologic condition. …
What does SCS method stand for?
The SCS Runoff Curve Number method is developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and is a method of estimating rainfall excess from rainfall (Hjelmfelt, 1991).
What does Curve Number represent?
The Curve Number is a dimensionless parameter indicating the runoff response characteristic of a drainage basin. In the Curve Number Method, this parameter is related to land use, land treatment, hydrological condition, hydrological soil group, and antecedent soil moisture condition in the drainage basin.
What is SCS unit hydrograph?
The SCS (Soil Conservation Service) unit routing model uses a curvilinear unit hydrograph to calculate runoff resulting from subcatchment net rainfall. The SCS method uses a dimensionless unit hydrograph derived from the analysis of extensive measured data.
What is the TR 55 method?
Technical Release 55 (TR-55) presents simplified procedures to calculate storm runoff volume, peak rate of discharge, hydrographs, and storage volumes required for floodwater reservoirs. These procedures are applicable in small watersheds, especially urbanizing watersheds, in the United States.
What is the SCS storm?
Drainage planning in the United States is often performed using hypothetical storms developed by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). These storms were developed by the SCS as averages of rainfall patterns; they are represented in a dimensionless form.
What is SCS distribution?
The SCS Rainfall Method was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). It generated four synthetic 24-hour rainfall distribution curves that cover all geographical regions of the United States.
What is CN grid?
The runoff curve number (also called a curve number or simply CN) is an empirical parameter used in hydrology for predicting direct runoff or infiltration from rainfall excess. The runoff curve number was developed from an empirical analysis of runoff from small catchments and hillslope plots monitored by the USDA.
How do you find CN?
The weighted CN is calculated by taking the sum of each CN value multiplied by its fraction of the total subcatchment area. The sum is (usually) rounded to the nearest whole number, as described below. The rounded result is used for all calculations and reports.
What is the significance of SCS triangular unit hydrograph?
The SCS triangular unit hydrograph is a popular method used in watershed development activities, especially in small watersheds. The SCS triangular unit hydrograph is a popular method used in watershed development activities, especially in small watersheds.