What is the area code for Liverpool?

What is the area code for Liverpool?

Liverpool/Area codes

Who called 01515591510?

⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01515591510 that called you is a voucher scam!

What is Liverpool phone number?

0151 Area Code The location for 0151 is Liverpool, UK. The 0151 area code will allow you to make calls to Liverpool from wherever in the world you are.

What is Liverpool NSW postcode?

Liverpool/Postal codes
4,300/km2 (11,130/sq mi) Established. 1810. Postcode(s) 2170.

What is Liverpool ZIP code?

Liverpool/Zip codes

Where is 0151 from?

0151 is the area code for Liverpool, Merseyside, UK. The code also covers areas such as Birkenhead, Bootle, Bromborough, Crosby, Ellesmere Port, New Brighton, West Kirby, and Widnes.

What area code is 0151 345?

The Liverpool 0151 Area Code (Liverpool Dialling Code) The 0151 area code is a 3 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Liverpool area. The local telephone numbers within the 0151 are 7 digits long.

Who called 01524 area code?

01524 is the area code for Lancaster, Lancashire, UK. The code also covers areas such as Arnside, Carnforth, Heysham, Morecambe, and Silverdale.

What suburbs are in Liverpool area?

Liverpool City includes the suburbs and localities of Ashcroft, Austral, Badgerys Creek (part), Bringelly (part), Busby, Carnes Hill, Cartwright, Casula, Cecil Hills, Cecil Park (part), Chipping Norton, Denham Court (part), Edmondson Park, Elizabeth Hills, Greendale, Green Valley, Hammondville, Heckenberg, Hinchinbrook …

What is the area code for Liverpool UK?

The Liverpool 0151 Area Code (Liverpool Dialling Code) The 0151 area code is a 3 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Liverpool area. The local telephone numbers within the 0151 are 7 digits long.

What is the largest city in the area code (329)?

Largest City in Area: FORT MYERS. Area code (329) is in the state of FL. The USPhoneBook database has 715 records on file with a phone number in the area code of (329).

Where does the 0151 Liverpool phone area code come from?

The first character is taken from the letter L in Liverpool. On an old rotary dial telephone this was entered by dialling the numbers 5 and 1. An old rotary dial for the Liverpool area code. The shaded area on the map represent the estimated extent of the 0151 Liverpool phone area code.

How to call Liverpool from outside the UK?

The 0151 area code will allow you to make calls to Liverpool from wherever in the world you are. For those who wish to call Liverpool from abroad, follow these simple steps: 1. Dial the international access code


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