What is the best form to take milk thistle?

What is the best form to take milk thistle?

The most traditional way of taking it is in a tea, tincture or herbal infusion. This can be made using either the leaves or the seeds of the plant. It involves steeping the seeds or leaves in hot water to impart their flavor and health benefits, and then drinking as an infusion.

What parts of milk thistle are edible?

Technically, all parts of the milk thistle plant are edible:

  • Roots – the large carrot-like taproots on the young plants can be cooked and eaten before they get too old and fibrous.
  • Leaves – the leaves can be cooked and eaten like spinach, although it’s advisable to cut the spines off first.

Is milk thistle poisonous to humans?

Milk thistle can cause an allergic reaction, including a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). An allergic reaction is more common in people who are allergic to other plants in the Asteraceae family, such as ragweed, daisies, marigolds and chrysanthemums.

What is milk thistle good for?

Although milk thistle is most often used for liver conditions, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, the herb is believed some to prevent or treat high cholesterol, diabetes, heartburn, upset stomach (dyspepsia), hangover, gallbladder problems, menstrual pain, depression, and even certain types of cancer.

Is it OK to take milk thistle every day?

Generally, it’s safe to take milk thistle in recommended doses. Some people have reported nausea, gas, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. Other people have reported a headache or itchiness after they take it. Milk thistle can cause an allergic reaction, especially if you’re allergic to other plants in the same family.

What can you not take with milk thistle?

Milk thistle may interfere with the following medications, because both milk thistle and these medications are broken down by the same liver enzymes:

  • Allergy drugs.
  • Drugs for high cholesterol.
  • Anti-anxiety drugs.
  • Antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (blood thinners).
  • Some cancer drugs.
  • Drugs broken down by the liver.

Is milk thistle safe to take daily?

What medications should not be taken with milk thistle?

Why are thistles bad?

They’re ready to spew thousands of seeds to continue their spread. These thistles, musk and plumeless thistles, are invasive, noxious weeds that take over entire fields and render the land useless to native wildlife and plants.

Does milk thistle detox the liver?

Milk thistle: Milk thistle is a well-known liver cleansing supplement because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help reduce liver inflammation.

Can you drink alcohol when taking milk thistle?

Do not consume alcohol while you are taking silymarin, the active compound in milk thistle. While there is no specific interaction between this nutritional supplement and alcohol, the primary reason people take silymarin is to protect the liver and help it repair itself.

Can you drink alcohol while taking milk thistle?

Can you grow milk thistles in pots?

Yes, you can grow milk thistle plants in pots. Due to the their long tap roots and large size, you’ll want a fairly large, deep pot, probably a minimum 5 gallons volume. In our climate, milk thistle flower heads mature from May-June.

What does a milk thistle plant look like?

Milk thistle plants can get quite large. Once they reach maturity and start producing flower stalks, they have a similar growth habit to collard green plants, with leaf growth about 3-4′ wide x 3′ tall. For size reference, the large green plant in this image is a mature milk thistle plant that’s about to send up flower stalks.

Do milk thistles have thorns?

As you can see, the milk thistle flower is well-defended. On both the bud and the flower, what appear to be the thorns under it are really modified leaves.

How do you harvest milk thistle flowers?

Leave at least 6″ of stem on the flower heads to make them easier to thresh and handle. This is about as far developed as you want a milk thistle flower head to be at harvest otherwise the plant will begin dropping seeds. 2. Place the flower heads into a paper bag and bring them indoors (or into a garage) to continue to dry – at least 14 days.


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