What is the common term for sending written messages by mobile phone?

What is the common term for sending written messages by mobile phone?

SMS (Short Message Service) is a text messaging service component of most telephone, Internet, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols that let mobile devices exchange short text messages.

How do I write a text message on my mobile phone?

In This Article

  1. Open the phone’s texting app.
  2. If you see the name of the person you want to text, choose it from the list.
  3. If you’re starting a new conversation, type a contact name or cell phone number.
  4. If you’re using Hangouts, you may be prompted to send an SMS or find the person on Hangouts.
  5. Type your text message.

What are the different types of texters?

How Many Of These Typical Types Of Texters Do You Know?

  • The Vocal Texter: People Who Only Send Voice Messages.
  • The Emoji Enthusiast: People Who Only Use Emojis.
  • The Photo Freaks: People Who Always Send Lots Of Photos That You Aren’t Really All That.
  • The Grammar Duds: People Who Always Fumble Their Words (To Our Amusement)

How do you start a text message?

To start a text conversation, try messaging about something you did together, like commenting on how good dinner was the other night. Alternatively, ask them a question, such as “What are you doing this weekend?” You can also try something attention grabbing, like a funny story about something you just saw or did.

How to send a text message on a cell phone?

Open or turn on your phone. Some phones will offer messaging as an option from the main screen. If not, press the button that will take

  • Select “Messaging” or “Messages” from the menu screen.
  • Choose “Send a message.” Some phones will give you the option of sending a voice message or a text message. Text messages might be labeled
  • Look at your phone. The screen should be blank with a blinking cursor. This is where you begin your text message. Look at your number pad
  • How do you send a text to a cell phone?

    Click the “Text” button at the top of the screen to open the “Send a Text Message” box. Enter the cell phone number of the person your want to send a text to in the “To” field. Type your text in the “Message” box. Click the “Send” button to send the text message from Google Voice on your computer.

    How do you access text messages?

    Fill in the wireless number, including area code. Fill in the password. Click the “Login” button. This will provide you access to check text messages online. Click the “Data” tab, located in the box called “Voice and Usage.”. Click “View Details.”. You will then be on a screen to see all the data to check the messages online.

    How do you message a cell phone from a computer?

    Right behind the phone number, there will be a small message icon, you can click on it to open the Send Message dialogue. Type in your message in the Content box and click Send button to send it to the selected person or number on your phone right from your PC or Mac.


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