What is the difference between Iberico and Serrano ham?

What is the difference between Iberico and Serrano ham?

Serrano ham (or Jamon Serrano) is a Spanish dry-cured ham. The difference is that serrano ham is normally made from a specific breed of pig — Landrace breed of white pig. Iberico ham is processed in the same way as serrano ham and prosciutto, but its name is given based on the pig it comes from — the Iberico pigs.

Is Iberian ham fattening?

Contrary to what is commonly believed, Iberian Ham is not fattening when consumed in moderation. The fat of the Iberian pig raised in Montanera has a high content of oleic acid (around 55-65%), due to its natural diet based on acorns, which are rich in oleic acid, like olive trees.

Does Iberico ham have nitrates?

Ingredients: Iberico Pork ham, Mediterranean Sea salt. Cured for 16-24 months. All natural, minimally processed and no artificial ingredients. Contains no nitrates or nitrites except for the naturally occurring nitrates in sea salt.

Is Prosciutto the same as jamón serrano?

Both prosciutto and jamon Serrano come from similar breeds of white pig, but each have a different flavour and texture. Italian prosciutto has a sweet, delicate flavour and a less dry texture than Spanish jamon serrano. Jamon Serrano is widely applied as a culinary umbrella term for all dry-cured ham produced in Spain.

Where is Iberico bellota Pata Negra Ham made?

The Iberico Bellota Pata Negra ham is produced in 4 areas of Spain. The most renowned Iberian area is the area of Jabugo (Huelva), where hams have an intense flavor thanks to its hot summers and its good job of the ham masters.

Where to find the best Iberian ham?

The most renowned Iberian area is the area of Jabugo (Huelva), where hams have an intense flavor thanks to its hot summers and its good job of the ham masters. Pata Negra iberian hams and shoulders from the area of Guijuelo (Salamanca) are of a slightly softer intensity but with a great fruity aroma.

Are there any identical Hams in Spain?

There are no identical hams, although they may carry the same label. As well as our products, we propose you the biggest Spanish ham Wiki-Library with all the information about Iberico Pata Negra and Serrano ham and the best gourmet gastronomy from Spain. Information about the Spanish ham, the iberian called “Pata negra” and the Serrano.


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