What is the European social dialogue?

What is the European social dialogue?

European social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers). It takes two main forms: a bipartite dialogue between the European employers and trade union organisations.

What is ILO social dialogue?

Social dialogue is defined by the ILO to include all types of negotiation, consultation or simply exchange of information between, or among, representatives of governments, employers and workers, on issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy.

What do you mean by social dialogue?

What is Social Dialogue (SD)? Definition ILO: “All Types of negotiation, consultation and exchange of information between or among, representatives of government, employers and workers on issues of common interest related to economic and social development”.

What is European social policy?

European social policies aim to promote employment, improve living and working conditions, provide adequate social protection and combat social exclusion. European social policies aim to promote employment, improve living and working conditions, provide adequate social protection and combat social exclusion.

What is bipartite social dialogue?

Bipartite social dialogue is the autonomous dialogue between employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations and it refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving the two sides of industry.

What do you understand by industrial relation?

Industrial relation refers to a relationship between the employers and employees. It also refers to a field of study that examines these types of relationships, especially groups of workers in unions. The employers are represented by management and employees are represented by unions.

What is social dialogue in South Africa?

What is social dialogue? Social dialogue refers to all types of negotiation, consultation and exchange of information between or among representatives of, employers, workers and governments on issues of common interest in the field of economic and social policy.

What is structured social dialogue?

Social dialogue (or social concertation) is the process whereby social partners (trade unions and employer organisations) negotiate, often in collaboration with the government, to influence the arrangement and development of work-related issues, labour market policies, social protection, taxation or other economic …

What are the benefits of social dialogue?

Benefits of Social Dialogue

  • Reduces inequality / Improves working conditions (click here for more)
  • Enhances participatory democracy (click here for more)
  • Provides legitimacy and ownership to public policies (click here for more)
  • Offers protection (click here for more)

What is social dialogue in education?

Social dialogue gives workers, through collective bargaining and consultation, a voice in the decisions affecting them, thus promoting consensus building and democratic involvement at work. Within the education sector, social dialogue is a vital component in achieving the objective of quality education for all.

What is the EU environmental policy?

EU environmental policies and legislation protect natural habitats, keep air and water clean, ensure proper waste disposal, improve knowledge about toxic chemicals and help businesses move toward a sustainable economy. Under Article 191, combating climate change is an explicit objective of EU environmental policy.

Why does the EU need social policy?

When things go wrong within the single market, such as when people lose their jobs or get sick, social policy has an important role to play. European social policy is intended to ensure equality, common values and employment across the EU.

What is European sectoral social dialogue?

European sectoral social dialogue is an instrument of EU social policy and industrial relations at sectoral level. It consists of negotiations between the European trade union and employer organisations of a specific sector of the economy.

What are the two types of social dialogue?

At European level, social dialogue takes two main forms: a bipartite dialogue between the European employers and trade union organisations, and a tripartite dialogue involving interaction between the social partners and the public authorities. The term ‘social dialogue’ is mentioned in primary EU law in the TFEU.

What is the agreement on social policy of the European Union?

The Maastricht Treaty of the European Union included a protocol incorporating an Agreement on Social Policy, the result of negotiations between the European social partners. The agreement, adopted by all 11 Member States with the exception of the United Kingdom, outlined the procedure for European social dialogue.

Why is social dialogue important in the workplace?

Well-functioning social dialogue is a key tool in shaping working conditions, involving a variety of actors at various levels. It balances the interests of workers and employers and contributes to both economic competitiveness and social cohesion.


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