What is the IADC accreditation?

What is the IADC accreditation?

What is a IADC Competence Assurance Accreditation System? The accreditation system for drilling and service company Competence Assurance programs is designed to assure these programes meet accepted practices to develop and ensure the skills of their personnel.

How do you become a member of IADC?


  1. Prior industry professional experience.
  2. Participation in at least one IADC committee.
  3. Referral letter may be required if individual is unknown to IADC.

How long is Rig Pass valid?

SafeLand and RigPass certifications do not expire; Basic Orientation Plus® (BOP) is a twelve-month certification with an annual refresher.

What is IADC in Wonder Woman?

The Inter-Agency Defense Command (I.A.D.C.) is a fictional government organization featured on the 1975 superhero action series Wonder Woman.

How long is SafeLand good for?

The SafeLand Basic Orientation does not expire, but some companies or employers may impose their own refresher requirements.

How do I pass Iwcf exam?

To pass the assessment and get a certificate, candidates must achieve a minimum mark of 70% in each section of the assessment. Each candidate is required to complete two written test papers which include multiple choice questions and Kill Sheet calculations. Assessments are made up of multiple choice problem questions.

What does IADC stand for?

IADC – International Association of Drilling Contractors IADC is a non-profit trade association that is the global leader in advancing the drilling industry. We are recognized worldwide for our accreditation programs, conferences, advocacy efforts, and industry news.

Why join IADC?

IADC welcomes companies that share a commitment to improving safety, advancing drilling technology and enhancing personnel competence. IADC brings the collective knowledge and experience of the global drilling industry into the hands of each member through a vast set of tried-and-true resources.

What is the IADC Well Control Association?

Developed by IADC members representing operators, drilling contractors, well servicing companies, professional trainers, and well control specialists, in collaboration with IADC’s Well Control Committee and other industry groups.

What is the international dredging Association (IADC)?

To represent these interests, IADC was established in 1965 by the main international dredging contractors at that time. IADC is an association according to Dutch law. The Dutch legal system recognises the constitutional right of association and of assembly.



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