What is the meaning of the wind by Robert Louis Stevenson?

What is the meaning of the wind by Robert Louis Stevenson?

The central theme of the poem revolves around the power of the winds. It basically talks about the points of interest and sounds of the windy nights. Describing the characteristics of the wind which cod be heard but couldn’t be seen. The inquisitiveness towards the wind that he has in himself.

What is the poem wind by Ted Hughes about?

Wind is a poem full of imagery, forceful language and movement. It is a typical Ted Hughes poem in that it explores the idea of struggle with and within nature, the first person speaker directly connecting the reader with the monstrous power of the wind.

Are you a beast of field and tree or just a stronger child than me?

Are you a beast of field and tree, Or just a stronger child than me? O wind, a-blowing all day long, O wind, that sings so loud a song!

Who is the speaker of the poem the wind by Robert Louis Stevenson?

R.L. Stevenson’s poem “The Wind” presents a first-person speaker in the very beginning. This poem is written from a child speaker’s perspective who describes the wind using vivid imagery. Firstly, he presents kinesthetic imagery of the wind. He describes how it tosses the kites flying high in the sky.

Who is compared to the beast in poem the wind?

The wind is compared to the beast because it roars like a wild beast. The last two lines repeated in all the stanzas emphasise the two ideas, first that the wind blows all day long continuously and secondly that it produces a rhythmic sound like that of a song.

Why does the poet refer to the wind as God?

Ans:-the poet says the wind God winnows because the poet makes fun of the weaklings. The poet says that the wind god winnows the weak crumbling houses, doors, rafters, wood, bodies, lives and hearts, and then crushes them all.

Who is the speaker in the wind?

Speculating recklessly, we could argue that it’s the young Ted Hughes, and the natural scenery is from his boyhood Yorkshire home, which inspired him so much. At the end of the day, in the poem itself we only really see our speaker walk around the side of the house and feel the awesome force of the wind.


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