What is the noun form of fold?

What is the noun form of fold?

fold. noun (1) Definition of fold (Entry 2 of 5) 1 : a part doubled or laid over another part : pleat. 2 : a crease made by folding something (such as a newspaper)

What does it mean when someone says tenfold?

10 times as great
Definition of tenfold 1 : being 10 times as great or as many. 2 : having 10 units or members.

What do you call someone who is complicit?

This literal meaning evolved into a figurative one: the definition of complicit, “helping to commit a crime or do wrong,” describes individuals who are “folded together” metaphorically. Complicity and the its cousins accomplice, complicitous, and complice are all part of this gang.

What does a 3 fold increase mean?

If the original value is 1, is a threefold increase 3 or 4?”, all four respondents said that a threefold increase is a tripling of the original number [1]. In the words of one of them, “threefold increase means three-times the original value, so it is 1 × 3 = 3”.

What is fold and types of fold?

Three forms of folds: syncline, anticline, and monocline. An anticline is a fold that is convex upward, and a syncline is a fold that is concave upward. An anticlinorium is a large anticline on which minor folds are superimposed, and a synclinorium is a large syncline on which minor folds are superimposed.

What does 7 folds mean?

Definition of sevenfold 1 : having seven units or members. 2 : being seven times as great or as many. Other Words from sevenfold Example Sentences Learn More About sevenfold.

What does 11 fold increase mean?

(Mathematics) equal to or having 10 times as many or as much: a tenfold increase in population.

Is complicity a crime?

Unlike attempt, solicitation, and conspiracy, which are crimes in and of themselves, complicity is not itself a crime but is a way of committing a crime.

What is complicant?

Complicant (noun) /komplikan/ something or someone that makes something, e.g a process, complicated. George is a complicant that needs to be eliminated for our common good. Etymology: Derived from the verb – complicate.

What is a 2 fold decrease?

It is defined as the ratio between the two quantities; for quantities A and B, then the fold change of with respect to B/A. …

Is 3 fold the same as 300%?

Yes, it does. When something changes from 1 to 100, that’s a hundredfold. 300 to 900 is threefold. Generally, if a number is followed with -fold, it means [number]-times.

What is the meaning of fold in English?

English Language Learners Definition of -fold. : multiplied by (a specified number) : times. : having (so many) parts. See the full definition for -fold in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is the meaning of scheme in English?

scheme. verb. English Language Learners Definition of scheme (Entry 2 of 2) : to make plans to do or get something in a secret and often dishonest way. See the full definition for scheme in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is the meaning of schescheme?

scheme. verb. schemed; scheming. Kids Definition of scheme (Entry 2 of 2) : to form a secret plan.

What are the different types of fold?

fold types of folds: a. anticline, b. syncline, c. isocline, d. overturned, e. recumbent, f. overthrust. noun. The definition of a fold is a crease, something that has been bended or the act of bending one part over another.


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