What is the purpose of deped K to 12 program?

What is the purpose of deped K to 12 program?

K to 12 (also K-12) is an education system under the Department of Education that aims to enhance learners’ basic skills, produce more competent citizens, and prepare graduates for lifelong xjobs.org/ learning and employment.

Do you think that K-12 program is beneficial to the Filipinos in what way does it become beneficial or not?

Although some people would not agree with its implementation, the K-12 program is still beneficial as it gives a better quality of education, provides job opportunities for high school graduates, and prepares the country for ASEAN Integration.

What is the most important purpose of K-12 education?

“K–12 education should prepare students for life—for college, for work, for living within a family and within a community, and for participating effectively in the democratic process,” he says. Although future employment is probably necessary for most young people, K–12 education is more than just job training.

How will the K to 12 program help students intending to pursue higher education?

K to 12 graduates should have higher earning potential as they will be more competent and skilled. As a result of the K to 12 Program, particularly the more specialized education in Senior High School, CHED is exploring the possibility of decreasing the number of years of certain degree programs in college.

Why do we need to implement the K-12 curriculum in the basic education of the learners?

It is designed to enable graduates to join the workforce after high school or prepare them should they choose to enter college. Through K to 12, students, are given enough years to master basic academic skills and participate in co-curricular activities.

What are the five pedagogical approaches of K-12 program?

The curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative, differentiated, and integrative.

What are the advantages of K to 12 program in the Philippines?

The K to 12 system aims to improve Filipino students’ skills in mathematics, science, and linguistics to further exhibit competence in the global job market. With the new curriculum, the Department of Education promises to offer higher quality education through the strands.

What should the government do to further improve the quality of Philippine education?

Gatchalian’s 8 ways to make Philippine education system competitive

  1. 1) Supporting K to 12.
  2. 2) Giving Free College Education.
  3. 3) Building more Public Math and Science School.
  4. 4) Instituting a National Feeding Program.
  5. 5) Higher Teacher’s Salary.
  6. 6) Continuous Teacher Education.
  7. Photo by Visayan.org.
  8. 8) Reviving Mandatory ROTC.

What are the advantages of DepEd?

With the new curriculum, DepEd promised to offer higher quality education through tracks. Each track will give students enough time to master a field and enhance their skills. In the end, K-12 graduates will become globally competitive and are set to obtain spot in the stiff labor market.

Why are we implementing the 12 years basic education curriculum?

Why are we implementing 12 years of basic education and not 11 years? A 12-year program is found to be the adequate period for learning under basic education. The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum will be sufficient to prepare students for work.

What are the important features of K to 12 basic education program?

Salient Features

  • Strengthening Early Childhood Education (Universal Kindergarten)
  • Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners (Contextualization and Enhancement)
  • Ensuring Integrated and Seamless Learning (Spiral Progression)
  • Building Proficiency through Language (Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education)

Why do we need to implement the K 12 curriculum in the basic education of the learners?

What are the advantages of K-12 education?

K-12 Education Program Advantages. Employment – a student can apply for a work after senior high school since he has already skills to use in working such as AutoCad, computer hardware servicing, dressmaking, cooking, etc. Entrepreneurship – well, in K-12 program, a student can teach entrepreneurship.

Should the government suspend the K-12 program in the Philippines?

They also want to suspend the program but the government remained firm saying that this new educational system offers opportunities for every Filipino student. The K-12 curriculum have many advantage to every Filipino students.

What is the goal of K-12 program?

One of the goal of K-12 program is to make the students equipped with lot of skills that are in-demands in the country and in abroad. There are many questions arises in implementing K-12, and here are they. Hey, if you have question just leave a comment.

What are the disadvantages of K-12 education in the Philippines?

(DepEd) As stated above, Philippines is one of the three countries that still had 10 years in the basic education program thus seen as a disadvantage for the Filipino students to compete in the increasing global job market. To Individuals and Families there some advantages the k-12 curriculum can give such as:


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