What is the sectoral transformation?

What is the sectoral transformation?

IT-enabled sectoral transformation refers to enhancing and integrating program delivery processes and systems across a sector, with the ultimate goal of more cost-effective service delivery.

What do you mean by sectoral contribution?

Typically, sectoral contribution to an economy is estimated by measures such as shares in gross domestic/regional product, employment and exports. However, the indirect contribution of the sector is likely to rise due to the expansion of agriculture-based processing activities in the process of economic growth.

What is balanced sectoral development?

Sectoral balance means economic development of all the sectors in an economy. As agriculture and industry are complementary to each other. In the same manner, a balance between domestic trade and foreign trade becomes essential during the process of economic development.

What is sectoral economy?

A sector is an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or related business activity, product, or service. Sectors represent a large grouping of companies with similar business activities, such as the extraction of natural resources and agriculture.

What is the sectoral transformation and how does it help explain economic change in North America?

What is sectoral transformation, and how does it help explain economic change in North America? The evolution of a nation’s labor force from one dependent on the primary sector, to one with more employment in the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary sectors. North America has exhibited significant changes in employment.

What is sectoral distribution of GDP?

The sectoral distribution of income shows the percentage distribution of national income or GDP among different sectors viz., agriculture (primary) industry (secondary) and services (tertiary). For India, approximately 18% of the GDP is from agricultural sector, 30% from industrial sector and 52 % from services sector.

What is meant by sectoral composition of national income?

The sectoral composition of an economy is the contribution of different sectors to total GDP of an economy during a year. That is, the share of agricultural sector, industrial sector and service sector in GDP.

What are the sectoral initiatives by the government to generate employment in Jammu and Kashmir?

1) Increasing the literacy rate by developing the educational institutions. 2) Investment in the corporate sectors for expansion of the business and creating new vacancies. 3) Stabilization of the political situation for an efficient corporate employment process.

What are the three sectoral balances on the financial system?

The interpretation of these balances in the New Cambridge approach, is that when a particular sector has a financial surplus (that is, its income exceeds its expenditure) it is able to add to its net financial assets through additional purchases of new assets or reducing its existing debt obligations.

What does tertiary sector mean?

The tertiary sector covers a wide range of activities from commerce to administration, transport, financial and real estate activities, business and personal services, education, health and social work. It is made of: the non-market sector (public administration, education, human health, social work activities).

What does tertiary economic activity mean?

Definition 1: the tertiary economic activity or service sector encompasses the production of services instead of end goods that meet the needs of individuals.

What explain some of the positive indicators of social development in Latin America?

Demographically, Latin America has grown much faster than North America. What explains some of the positive indicators of social development in Latin America? As indicated by life expectancies, child mortality rates, and educational equity, much of Latin America exhibits positive levels of social development.


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