What is the significance of the Cassis de Dijon case?
What is the significance of the Cassis de Dijon case?
The Cassis de Dijon ruling (judgment of the Court of Justice of 20 February 1979, Rewe-Zentral AG v Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein) established the principle that, in essence, products sold lawfully in one Member State may not be prohibited from sale in another.
What are the two approaches that can be taken to the free movement of goods?
The free movement of goods is secured through the elimination of customs duties and quantitative restrictions and the prohibition of measures having an equivalent effect.
What is the purpose of Article 110 1?
Discriminatory taxes are prohibited in Article 110(1) TFEU, which determines that ‘No Member State shall impose, directly or indirectly, on the products of other Member States any internal taxation of any kind in excess of that imposed directly or indirectly on similar domestic products.
What is the purpose of Article 34 36 TFEU?
Articles 34-36 of the TFEU are one of the founding pillars for the free movement of goods in the EU single market as they prohibit restrictions on imports and exports and measures having equivalent effect, subject to certain public policy exemptions.
What is Creme de Cassis de Dijon?
Crème de Cassis de Dijon is the classic traditional blackcurrant liqueur. This liqueur was created specially for Sainsbury’s by a multi-award-winning producer in Dijon, to a recipe based on whole blackcurrants that includes blackcurrant buds and a touch of raspberry.
Who won the Cassis de Dijon case?
EC Court verdict from 1979 stating that, as a rule, products in one EU country are also legal in other EU countries (case 120/78). The verdict forced the member states to agree on common standards which they would otherwise not have agreed. Cassis is a French liqueur with an alcohol level of 16%.
What is a CEE EU law?
Canute. The EU is, at its core a common market which necessitates that goods flow between its constituent member states unimpeded by customs duties and other measures. Article 23 prohibits “customs duties on imports and exports and of all charges having equivalent effect.” (CEE).
Why did the UK never have the euro?
The United Kingdom did not seek to adopt the euro as its official currency for the duration of its membership of the European Union (EU), and secured an opt-out at the euro’s creation via the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, wherein the Bank of England would only be a member of the European System of Central Banks.
What is the difference between Article 110 1 TFEU and Article 110 2 TFEU?
It is submitted the problem is significant because a breach of either (1) or (2) will bring about a different response: a breach of Article 110(1) requires the importing Member State to equalise the taxes on similar imported and domestic goods, whilst a breach of Article 110(2) means the protectionism enjoyed by the …
What is CEE EU law?
What is an Mee EU law?
MEE: ‘all trading rules enacted by MSs which are capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially intra-state trade’
Is there a difference between Cassis and crème de cassis?
Quality Control. Like many French wines and spirits, crème de cassis is subject to local appellation laws. Bottles labeled Crème de Cassis de Dijon contain only blackcurrants grown in Dijon, while Cassis de Bourgogne uses currants grown in the greater Burgundy region.