What is the symbol and charge of barium?

What is the symbol and charge of barium?

Symbols and Charges for Monatomic Ions

magnesium ion Mg2+
calcium ion Ca2+
strongtium ion Sr2+
barium ion Ba2+

What is the formula and charge for phosphide?

Given ion is phosphide ion. It is an ion that has three negative charges. The chemical formula of the phosphide ion is P3− .

What is the formula for barium and phosphorus?

Barium phosphate/Formula

What is the charge on Fe?

Table of Common Element Charges

Number Element Charge
26 iron 2+, 3+
27 cobalt 2+, 3+
28 nickel 2+
29 copper 1+, 2+

What is a phosphide ion?

phosphide, any of a class of chemical compounds in which phosphorus is combined with a metal. The phosphide ion is P3−, and phosphides of almost every metal in the periodic table are known. They exhibit a wide variety of chemical and physical properties.

What is the formula for lithium phosphide?

Lithium phosphide (Li3P)

PubChem CID 82892
Molecular Formula H2Li3P+2
Synonyms Lithium phosphide (Li3P) 12057-29-3 DTXSID4065232 EINECS 235-020-0
Molecular Weight 53.9
Component Compounds CID 3028194 (Lithium) CID 62746 (Phosphanide)

What is the formula for the barium ion?

Barium ion | Ba+2 – PubChem.

What is the ionic charge of barium?


ion charge: +2
coordination number: 6 149 pm
coordination number: 7 152 pm

What type of compound is barium phosphide?

Explanation: Ba3P2 is an ionic compound consisting of three barium cations and two phosphorus anions. In an ionic bond, the name of the metal cation goes first, and then the name of the anion with the suffix “-ide”. So, the name of this compound will be barium phosphide.

What is the name of Sr3P2?

Strontium phosphide
Strontium phosphide (Sr3P2)


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