What types of meristems are found in plants?

What types of meristems are found in plants?

There are three primary meristems: the protoderm, which will become the epidermis; the ground meristem, which will form the ground tissues comprising parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells; and the procambium, which will become the vascular tissues (xylem and phloem).

Which meristem is present at the base of the leaves?

Intercalary meristem
Intercalary meristem is present at the base of the leaves or internodes (on either side of the node) on twigs.

Where do we find the meristematic tissues in plants?

Meristematic tissues are found in many locations, including near the tips of roots and stems (apical meristems), in the buds and nodes of stems, in the cambium between the xylem and phloem in dicotyledonous trees and shrubs, under the epidermis of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs (cork cambium), and in the pericycle of …

Where is lateral meristem found in plants?

Lateral Meristems – The lateral meristems are present on the lateral side of the stem and root of a plant. These meristems help in increasing the thickness of the plants. The vascular cambium and the cork cambium are good examples of a lateral meristematic tissue.

Where are intercalary meristems found?

The meristematic tissues that are present at the base of internodes of stem and petioles of leaves are known as Intercalary meristem.

Do all plants have meristems?

These meristems occur in all plants and are responsible for growth in length. By contrast, lateral meristems are found mainly in plants that increase significantly in diameter, such as trees and woody shrubs.

What is the role of meristem in plants?

Primary plant meristems are the shoot and root meristems that are initiated at opposite poles of the plant embryo. They contain stem cells, which remain undifferentiated, and supply new cells for growth and the formation of tissues.

What is meristematic tissues in plant?

The meristem is a type of tissue found in plants. It consists of undifferentiated cells (meristematic cells) capable of cell division. Cells in the meristem can develop into all the other tissues and organs that occur in plants. Differentiated plant cells generally cannot divide or produce cells of a different type.

Where is intercalary meristem found in plants?

What are examples of secondary meristem in trees?

Two secondary meristems (lateral meristems) are responsible for secondary growth: the vascular cambium and cork cambium (Figure 11.3. 1). Figure 11.3. 1: In woody plants, primary growth (left) is followed by secondary growth (right), which allows the plant stem to increase in thickness or girth.

Where are meristems found in a plant?

Meristems are classified by their location in the plant as apical (located at root and shoot tips), lateral (in the vascular and cork cambia), and intercalary (at internodes, or stem regions between the places at which leaves attach, and leaf bases, especially of certain monocotyledons—e.g., grasses). Click to see full answer.

What is lateral meristematic tissue?

Lateral Meristems – The lateral meristems are present on the lateral side of the stem and root of a plant. These meristems help in increasing the thickness of the plants. The vascular cambium and the cork cambium are good examples of a lateral meristematic tissue.

What are the different types of apical meristem tissue?

There are two types of apical meristem tissue: shoot apical meristem (SAM), which gives rise to organs like the leaves and flowers, and root apical meristem (RAM), which provides the meristematic cells for future root growth. SAM and RAM cells divide rapidly and are considered indeterminate, in that they do not possess any defined end status.

What is the function of Intercalary meristems and lateral meristem?

The intercalary meristems help in increasing the length of the internode. This is usually seen in monocotyledonous plants. Lateral Meristems – The lateral meristems are present on the lateral side of the stem and root of a plant. These meristems help in increasing the thickness of the plants. The vascular cambium and the cork cambium are good


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